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Everything posted by prot0n

  1. I get your point, but have you ever had a friend and thought: "If she was single I wonder if things could work between us, but she's not, so let's just be friends."? It's just a thought. I'm not friend with her because I want to become more than a friend. I'm friend with her because her friendship makes me happy. She's married so I wouldn't date her, not even if she was the one to ask me out. That would be wrong and it would ruin our friendship. I'm against cheating and I think if a relationship starts with cheating, it will probably end with cheating too. And to be clear, it's not a sexual attraction. She's not bad looking, but it's not about sex. I love her as a person. I'm not much interested in sex, generally. Not completely asexual, but I don't care much. So if you think I'm only friend with her because I hope to sleep with her one day... I'm not.
  2. Yes, it may be. But I don't have a romantic crush on her, and I don't want to date her. I just love her as a friend and as a person. But I guess she probably doesn't.
  3. I'm a man and I'm close friend with a married woman. We're both in our 30s. I love her, but not romantically. If she was single I'd consider asking her out, but she's not, and I'd never want to be her lover nor ask her to leave her husband. I just love her platonically, meaning she's important to me, and I care about her. Lately, I was going through something, and I opened up to her. I thanked her for listening, and told her she's my best friend. However, she made it clear I'm not hers. She said she's happy to have me as a friend because I've always been there for her, but her best friend is someone else. It hurt, but I said that's fine. Now, here's the problem: I feel like she's more distant since then. We used to text almost daily and meet for a coffee or a walk once a month. Now she rarely texts me first, and she often says she's busy when I ask to meet, unless other friends join us. It's as if she's fine seeing me, but not anymore if it's just us two. So, what's happening? She's not obliged to be my best friend if she doesn't feel like it, so I don't want to pressure her, but I also don't want to lose her. Does she think I'm in love with her? Should I tell her I'm not, and I just love her as a friend? Or does she simply not feel like having a close friendship with me? Last time we met with other friends, I arrived there first, and she was second. She greeted and hugged me as usual, but her smile was kinda forced, and I felt like she was a bit uncomfortable. A minute later, our other friends arrived and she was suddenly all happy and smiling. That also hurt, but I pretended it didn't.
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