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Everything posted by EagleMaster69

  1. As mentioned in the previous message, the hiccups were about minor things like taking a joke the wrong way or taking things way out of proportion but then later apologising for the outburst. Yeah you're not wrong but should we have a conversation about what topics we do and don't like?
  2. We have been dating since December 2022. The hiccups were about minor things like taking a joke the wrong way or taking something way out of proportion for very little reason. I mean she would apolgise after a couple days for an outburst but it would obviously be better if we didn't have the outburst in the first place if we knew what each other's sensitivity levels were.
  3. Im not sure if this is the right option to do but basically me and my girlfriend has had a few hiccups in our relationship in the last couple of weeks and I think its due to the fact that we don't understand each other well (but I could be wrong). So I was thinking would it be a good idea if we spoke to each other about our boundaries and try to understand what we do and dont find sensitive and what is the line between right and wrong? Any help/advice would be appreciated.
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