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  1. I would like to be in a relationship, but I have no dating experience and am having trouble getting any. I think the root cause of this is that I mostly talk to men, and I don't go out of my way to talk to women. Approaching and seeking friendships with men is easy for me and it's pretty much a comfort zone for me, and I'm not used to doing this with women. That doesn't mean I have any issues with talking to women in general; I usually have pretty good conversations when I end up talking to women. I just don't usually go out of my way to approach women, neither platonically nor romantically. I know I'm not going to be able to date unless there are more women in my social circle and I go out of my way to talk to them, but I'm not sure how to pursue this without making people uncomfortable. It's pretty common for a guy to approach or talk to a girl because he's hitting on her. I don't know how to go out of my way to talk to more women without making them think that I'm hitting on them. I fear that if I go out of my way to talk to more women in my social circle, they'll think I'm hitting on them and feel uncomfortable, which would lead to me having a bad reputation. I want to talk to women more often and get along with them platonically, but I don't want to gain a reputation of making women uncomfortable. What would be the best way to pursue this?
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