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Posts posted by Kelli

  1. I met this wonderful guy...it's funny becuase we have only spent about a week together, but it was instant chemistry. He lives interstate- about 2000 kms away from me. We said we weren't gong to make any promises to each other, but he's always messaging me and calling me...I feel like we are totally perfect for each other. It's just that with such a long distance between us, it seems impossible. Should i persue this man, or try to find love closeby?

    any hints?

  2. I was in a very similar situation last year. I am still having trouble getting over it. When i was 18 i was pursued by my former teacher. the man is over 30 years my senior and i looked up to him no end. Somehow, i ended up i a serious relationship with him, which not only alienated me from my friends and family, it destroyed his. His wife and kids lives were turned upside-down. I finally had the courage to end it but to this day i feel physically ill when i think about it. I never wanted the whole thing to escalate the way it did, but with all the influence this man had over me, i was swept up in the idea of it. I'd give anything to take it back, but i can't. Take my advice sweety, it's just too much of an age-gap. It will end in tears somehow- i'm almost certain of it. And think about just how you got into this situation. Did you wholly instigate it, or did he somehow manipulate you?

    I hope my experience can help shed some light on this for you.

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