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Posts posted by malibu

  1. No offence, but what u did wasnt too smart. You should never get so drunk so as you loose control and u should never joke about sex with guys. I think he might be lieing - 'he doesnt remember'- yer right! He does remember he just doesnt want to/cant say so hes saying her doesnt remember. Maybe he spiked ur drink??? U thought of that??? U should never trust anyone. believe me I learnt it the hard way. My best friend was escorted to a ball with another one of my best friends, a guy we've known for years. To cut a long story short he tried to get her drink so she would sleep with him.....she realized when she was getting really dizzy and got a taxi home. U need to have it out with this guy, find out what really happened! All sounds a bit suspicious to me! Good luck

  2. I havent gone through this, but it doesnt sound too good. When your bf doesnt want to have sex with you its not a good sign. Guys wanna have sex and lots of it. Porn and pleasuring himself is not a substitute. Sex also brings you together. Are you sure he's being faithfull? Are u sure the relationship is working cos when sex goes downhill its a sign the relationship is too! Maybe you need to move on. Your only 23, ur not married to him, you shoudl be with someone who wants to have sex with you (he obviosly doesnt). Um my parents have been married for over 25years and I know for a fact that their sex life is good - that's how it should be! If ur determined to be with him u gotta fix this glitch, if its fixable. Good luck

  3. At first I was friends with this guy and and then things subtlety began to change. I like him and I kind of got the impression her liked me too. Like last week in a club he was with me and danced with me 99% of the time. When we sat down he would like stroke my hair, kiss me on the forehead or cheek….basically he was being all attentive and touchy feely. My friend told me his mate told her he likes me, but I don't know whether to believe here, as she likes him too. Infact when she found out I liked him she liked rang me a few times to warn me away 'he doesn't want a girlfriend', 'he's always with different girls', 'he's been with me' etc etc. When she goes out with us she always follows him around, she pursues him. This is the thing I don't get. He's a bit of a womaniser. Women fall all over themselves for him, like my mate. So, I was expecting him to be all smooth with me. You know he likes the girl and goes for her, but no he tells 'my friend' when they have a deep and meaningful conversation that I didn't try to kiss him and she says he sounded quite upset about this. Then a 'apparently' he goes on to say he doesn't want a gf. Now he's being all weird around me. Basically, everything's a bit fishy. My friend - she likes him so why is she warning me off, while at the same time encouraging me. She's also scaring me, like she knows stuff I've only told him, so, he must be telling her – there close????!!!! Also, him – he doesn't want a gf, so blatantly he just wants to get into my pants right? I'm not that kinda girl, I either go out with someone or I don't. I don't know what to do?! I'm tempted to just leave the whole thing. I don't want to go after and I'm not one to chase guys after a guy who doesn't want a gf, whose unwilling, right? Also, he doesnt want a gf and I dont do anything but being a gf, so, we want different things, so, most likely I'm gonna get hurt, used... I'd rather stay single to be perfectly honest! But, are'nt you supposed to take risks?

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