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Everything posted by Beautyanx

  1. I really appreciate this response. Thank you, I will remember these words. This all is just rocky and unexplored territory for me which makes me a little uncomfortable but I’m working through my own insecurities. He’s a wonderful man and I’d never want to hurt him. Thanks again.
  2. So, my (26F) BF(27M) of 1+ years recently shared with me that he was touched by an older cousin early in life. Not sure if it was once or a continuous thing but he told me how this led him to him questioning his sexuality for years. He went to therapy and got a lot of help about his childhood, unrelated abuse and the questioning of his sexuality. When he was 18, he hit a really dark patch and would contemplate suicide. He had a friend (18M) that invited him over one day to hang out and to clear his mind for a bit. They had drinks and apparently he was really drunk and his friend "took advantage" of that and gave him oral. Once he came to the realization of what happened, he left. But for whatever reason, I don't think he cut ties with his friend automatically but eventually, they'd stop talking. Again, he was left questioning his sexuality until 3 years later when he'd eventually start dating and sleeping with women. Now, 8 years later, he tells me he's completely straight and has no attraction to men but l'm not totally convinced. I'm afraid of being with a man who isn't sexually secure and I hate myself for feeling that way. I was raised in a very conservative household and my thoughts aren't as progressive as they could be. I just want to be more secure in our relationship. I love him and I want it to work but I am fighting insecurities. Is it possible to feel secure with a partner that has a history of questioning their sexuality? How?
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