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  1. To be honest it is like this for the last years, we do it on Friday/saturday and we expect it to do it the next Friday/Saturday. So yeah it is almost like a schedule but sometimes I just can’t you know, and like what the other person said about doing it, even if you’re tired and not wanting to (physically and mentally) I am like that too. I can of course just have sex with him without wanting to etc but he knows that in my mind I only do it for him, and he doesn’t like that and stops immediately. I understand that it’s not nice for him but I don’t mind and I always say just ignore me and go do your thing😅.. for me that’s okay.
  2. Oh wow yeah that’s true I forgot about that. I will ask a close friend of mine then. and yeah I want to make this right to try to have more sex for his high sex drive, but I want to have the feeling that ‘I want it too you know’
  3. That is very true I don’t see us with an open relationship, and I don’t see us break up with each other. I will talk with him once more about this and ask people around us for advice. Thank you for taking your time to read my story, and thank you so much for your reply and advice.
  4. We already discussed this for a long time and we understand each other that we’re different with that, but there is no solution at the end, we’re just stuck now.
  5. Our relationship is great, he takes care of me and I of him. This is the only part of our relationship that has a problem, but it is a big problem because ‘sex is very high for him in the list in a relationship’, and for me it’s affection like hugs kisses and doing activities with each other, sex is kinda low for me. But it’s a relationship thing of course. I used birth control in the beginning of our relationship and I thought that changed my libido level but I stopped a while ago so that’s not the case, I thinks testing my hormone levels will be a good idea.
  6. Hello everyone🙂 my boyfriend and me of almost 4,5 years have a problem, it is about our sexual relationship. in the begin we casually talked about sexual stuff, and we already did sexting (just the normal stuff), some time later we would also have sex with each other 1,(2) per week (in the weekends, I still live with my mom, and we have/had school). Now years later me and my sexual feelings changed, I don’t think of sex anymore nor do I have a high libido, so 1x per week is enough for me, even in the vacation. Sometimes I still think having no sex won’t affect me at all (I don’t need it?). But my boyfriend has a high sex drive and a libido so he wants it often than 1x of course, so we’re struggling with this subject. We don’t want to force each other to change, and we don’t know what to do at this point. He just told me he’s not sure what will happen in the future and that part scared me. He also recommended if we took a break with each other and maybe it will help he said because I will miss him and maybe my sex drive will change? (I honestly don’t think it will change, this is just me). So I wanted to ask for advise from other people, or if they also experienced this, what did you/they do? ((I already tried medicine etc btw)) thank you in advance.
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