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Everything posted by cookiedo

  1. I need some advice on how to break it off with my long time cheating boyfriend, I’ve known for a while that he’s been talking to other girls behind my back weekly and secretly has social media accounts that I’m not even “allowed” to have or ever had like snapchat, Instagram, fake facebook account, now an only fans, and recently found out that he cheated years ago right before we got engaged and then while I was pregnant. He's still lying to me and continually looks for reasons why he doesn’t have to work or help me build this family together. We have children together and ive never broken up with anyone before…especially with kids and especially while living together for years. I feel like I’m definitely being taken advantage of and he will keep doing it until he gets caught it seems. And he has a suuper high sex drive with me, like sex 3 times a day weekly …its not like I’m not putting out or being adventurous..i’ve tried and he’s still looking in other directions. He lies to my face everyday and tells me how ridiculously beautiful I am and that if I knew that, I wouldn’t be with him, etc etc. I’ve thought about saying to him over text after packing up and leaving that he’s obviously not interested in the same things that I am, and hes just self sabotaging the relationship, until he wants to talk about “why” then don’t contact me. But seriously I need some advice on how to do this so I don’t mess it up and end up making things worse.
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