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Erenik Gillgrenov

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  1. alright guys news incoming today, some minutes after classes, i confronted her when she was on her way outside n' towards her bus I first said thanks for something i had asked her about earlier (school related event i missed, she actually responded). Then i tried getting to the point quickly as she was in a hurry, which i was told. So i asked her for her number, that i could maybe call sometime (didn't specify hanging out or anything sadly). After going down some stairs and passing some other students she said with a loathing voice - "preferely not..!" after that I said that its not problem, no pressure, everything like that and we departed shortly after (cya on monday!!) i dont think it's game over yet, i mean this is a very focused, mature and clever *woman* so things would be easier if we had nothing that'd disturb in school (like exams and whatnot). We share similarities and are of course different but i think we match pretty well, if i could just constantly show the good side (not that im like an ass otherwise or something, but there's a difference between me hanging out with the boys and confronting (intelligent) girls) so yeah, im a bit let down right now naturally, just constantly thinking about her and wanting to hug her
  2. wouldn't worry about the freezing thing, I'm no incel. Nor do I really see her as a princess. Don't worry I'm more normal than that. Finding an opportunity to talk to her is difficult. She takes a 40 min bus ride to and from school everyday, so after classes its directly to the bus. In school, she's always with her friend group of 4, like, always. At the same time I am always seen with my two boys. I've thought about doing some unmoral stuff and get her number and call one day, still unsure.
  3. I'm nervous and afraid. She's smart and surrounded by smart people, i wouldn't say that im dumb or anything i definitely have my ups but i don't want to stick out in the crowd at the same time. I wanna be able to control what I'm doing body language wise (like actually respond with a clear hello and not just do some stupid noise...) and to use intellectual words. ive been having a crush on her since lets say october, i can be patient a little more i hope
  4. sigh I guess so, but I don't know how I'm supposed to when there are people around constantly (my pals, her friends) like no interruptions
  5. I guess, but too much trying to be a gentleman isnt ideal either
  6. that's a good one, would probably be somewhat better. But I kinda need her to be alone, like no close friends around, and at the same time my two boys cant really be present either. Otherwise it'll just be awkward and weird, my two guys will even question me about it
  7. I don't see this as an option. I always sit with my group and she with hers, would probably make her uncomfortable if anything. I see it as a no go
  8. hello im almost 17, studying the hardest course / pipeline (in my country of course) or whatever ya call it. First grade of 'gymnasium'. unlike the other 2 classes we're not only nerds here, but i still fell for one, sort of (a hard worker at least) a group of 4 smart and motivated girls, honestly i could see me date any of them anyway i fell for this specific one. - tall, like 175 to 180 cm (im myself 189) -long lighter brown hair often seen in a (pony?) tail, she sometimes lets it out to the sides or backwards which i freakin' adore -such a sweet smile, laugh and voice. I smile myself when i hear her laugh and joke around with her friend group, am i down bad? -blue eyes, medium sized lips, smooth eyebrows, seen her wear glasses once or twice -not aggressive or anything, even told me that she wasnt a 'rational vegetarian' (not american :troll:) when i asked if we could go for a longer walk after classes last year -anything else..? overall just perfect so anyway, she doesnt look at social media like at all, notifications off n' all. I can understand why of course, but just an answer on snapchat would make my day (im not constantly spamming messages) heres the main problem i guess: i dont know how to talk to her, face to face. Her friend are always around her just like the two guys im always with during breaks and lunch how am i supposed to talk to her? I know that she has a 40 min bus ride to and from school everyday and ive learnt that its no good manners to just catch up to someone when theyre making their way home (almost like following them). I havent really interacted with her since september or so..
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