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Everything posted by Rutheee

  1. It is definitely so much to handle for both of us and our communication issues are making us more stressed. And the stress causes us to act differently. I try to keep this in mind because I hate thinking we're incompatible, but it unfortunately mostly seems to be that way. I'm not sure if or when to we should call it quits, especially with a baby. I love him but don't like how I feel around him and I think he could relate. I think he'd go for therapy as an effort to work on us.
  2. Yes, a more solid foundation is what we've tried to build, but like you said, we were barely getting to know each other and under the stress of the pregnancy. His dad also passed away 2 months before finding out I was pregnant and this too fueled angry outbursts. Since then, he's worked on it and I appreciate that about him. However it's still an issue and maybe always will be. I feel selfish but also done being disrespected. Counseling is something I think he'd do with me.
  3. For a bit of background, my boyfriend (25 m) and I (24 f) have been together for almost a year and we have a newborn. We get into arguments often and they usually have something to do with how he talks to me. They aren't productive fights because I usually get so upset that I shut down. This triggers his anger and it's a viscous cycle. It's my fault for shutting down every time. He's told me to stop or else he's done. I just don't know how to deal with his emotions. The latest ordeal was when I was changing our baby's diaper and it was getting messy. I didn't ask for his help because I knew he would stress me out, but he saw me and starting helping. I had to wash my hands and come back and when I did, he said "God d*****, what's taking you so long?", to which I didn't respond because I was hurt again by how he spoke to me. I know I'm sensitive, but it's to the point where I feel so anxious around him because I don't want him to make him angry. And I already know I'm going to hold onto this last incident. I think it hurts me because I couldn't talk to him that way and it's been an ongoing issue. I don't want to play victim - we both do things that upset each other - yet I do. It could be as easy as me understanding his frustration, forgiving him and moving on, but I want to be talked to with respect, like we're working together instead of against. I don't know what to do anymore and I wonder how others would go about something like this.
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