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  1. We're both around 30, dated 2 years but she is defensive, contradicts herself, and acts immature at times. Not sure what to do. When I want to talk about something that bothers me, she dismisses my opinion because she says "I don't have the same opinion". Things aren't allowed to bother me if they don't bother her, apparently. She doesn't respect my opinion, she will shut the conversation down quickly if she feels any sort of criticism. She texts with tons of spelling mistakes and for 2 years I've been asking her to simply proofread them before sending because I can't understand half of what she says. She says that everyone else can understand her and it's not her fault that I can't. She refuses to compromise. She's as stubborn as can be. She also hates when I'm right. I just explain to her why I think this way or that, with no emotion or cockiness, just logic. Even when she KNOWS I'm right, she gets all stuck up about it and will do anything she can to try and prove me wrong. She cannot accept being wrong and I don't get it. I admit right away when I'm wrong about something. She's also jealous but yet not jealous? She doesn't worry about losing me, and even says "I know you ain't going anywhere". Doesn't care who I'm texting, never looks at my phone or questions me. But yet she said if I ever cheat she will slash the tires on my truck and that she gets jealous. Her mouth says one thing but actions say the opposite. I don't know which to believe. EDIT: I should clarify she made the tire slashing comment when we were talking about how stupid people are for cheating, she said it jokingly but it still seemed odd. In case this was too long, here's in short: 95% of the time we have a great relationship. We're each other's best friend and we planned on getting married someday. But 5% of the time, she acts immature, dismissive and stubborn as all hell and I'm not sure how to deal with that 5%? Especially when she refuses to communicate about it.
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