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  1. Oh, I definitely agree with you. The honeymoon stage does not need to last forever for love to be deep, real, and even passionate. In fact, I think what comes later is so much more meaningful and beautiful, because it is an incomparable trust and belonging and love. Words are too small for what I want to say, but I hear you. I think this really wasn't my fear, though: what's happening inside of my own relationship. I'm afraid of others' perceptions of my relationship, but I'm getting over it now...
  2. Hi, everyone. I should clarify I've never dated before and am not in a relationship, so this is not a "I'm jaded from love" kind of thing. I guess I really absorbed a narrative from people looking back on their own relationships and shaking their head at how besotted they were when they first met their partners, especially first loves/young love, even receiving advice from people when they remark they "thought they knew it all" back then. It doesn't even have to be the quality of the relationship---they can still be great partnerships---but I have this fear of being seen as young and dumb in general and it's drifting over to love concerns, too...
  3. I have this complex about being afraid of being deeply in love in the early stages of a relationship, because people always make fun of those early stages. First loves and honeymoon stages...they're being naive, foolish, blind, thinking they all have it figured it out, until the big, bad "real" love comes along and knocks out all what they thought you knew and had. I'm afraid of looking stupid, I'm afraid of looking young, lots more that's hard for me to put into words but really want to get over, all in all.
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