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Everything posted by questionsoflove

  1. I apologize for errors as English is not my first language. We both are studying abroad for a semester of college coming from different schools (he’s a junior undergrad and I’m in my first year of PhD program). We sat next to each other for a 6 hour flight and talked the entire way. He even told me that he’s never had an experience where he’s opened up to a stranger that deeply before. I agreed and he teased that he must be special. When we landed, he took a call and I thought it was his girlfriend but said nothing. He immediately clarified that is was his sister. On the drive to our new campus, he shared his headphones with me and showed me all of his favorite music. He asked for my number and agreed we should meet up in the future. The next night he texted me that he was out partying and said I should come by that club. So, I did and we danced / talked for hours. He bought me two drinks and introduced me to all his friends. One friend who he introduced me to ended up asking for my number and I felt awkward saying no in front of him, so I gave it. I left before him and he kept texting asking if I made it home okay (the guy, not the friend). He also said he was planning on going out again the following night and invited me. I waited all day to hear from him and got nothing. I texted him that I hoped he had a good day and he just replied “u too!” So…a few questions. 1. Am I too old for him / are we in too different places in life? He’s a frat boy and I’m a grad student… 2. Is he interested or just being nice and wanting a friend? 3. Am I wrong for feeling strongly this soon? It hasn’t even been a week. I don’t want to come off as crazy butI really felt we hit it off. 4. I have been the one initiating the texts for past day. So, so I not text him anymore until he texts me? thank you. ♥️
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