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Posts posted by rachelb

  1. Yeah I think he must have said something to his friend, but then he didn't say anything to me and his friend kept looking at him to say something. I mean wouldn't it have been his perfect opportunity? He doesn't look that shy!


    Would I have looked a bit eager and desperate if I responded "yes I'll have his no!!" do you think that's how most ppl would have reacted by being all surprised?


    Ahhhh so confusing!



    He may have taken your "umm sorry" as rejection, yes! It seems he told his friend he likes you and his friend acted on his behalf... though maybe not his request. If you had smiled at him even and said something like: "If he wants it..." and looked at him for a reply... that would have been seen as an invitation for him to reply and ask himself.


    Perhaps another opportunity will present itself, perhaps not.

  2. **I mean TEASING, sorry there was some miscommunication, I don't mean if a guy is deliberately being mean, but like teasing mean.


    I was talking to my friend last night abt the girl he likes and he said he was purposely being mean to her, and I didn't understand why. He said that by mean to a girl (in a flirty way) you can tell if she likes you by the way she reacts. Ie. if you say you don't care anymore or say your annoyed abt something she did (event though its small), and she tries to justify herself or goes out of her way for your forgiveness, then she likes you?


    Is this true?? then and what other mind games guys play to girls they like to get them more interested or test their interest level?

  3. don't play games because the games end up playing you. and once your relationship is based on games, there's some point where it runs out and it's frustrating because both of you won't give in.


    trust me on this one, been there, done that. it's not the way to make someone like you in the long run. it's only temporary.

  4. I've had a "thing" with this guy for nearly a year now, but he had to leave for 6mths and it was bad timing for both of us. Now he's back, and we went out on a few dates. He's been the one doing the chasing the whole time. I'm confused- he's really sweet on the date and mentions a lot of "couple" stuff, how we'll do this & that next time and asks a lot abt me. But then he'll just randomly say "oh this girl liked me over there, cooked for me and everything, but I didn't like her" or "I had so many girls go for me overseas but didn't like them". He also said he always wanted what he couldn't have but then the other night, when I went to see him I mentioned this guy friend I had and all of a sudden, he said he liked forward girls? I don't know if he says these things to get at me, or make me want him more or just to confuse me or let me know he's not completely interested? Anyway, that night ended really badly but he said sorry the next day.


    I talked to him on Sunday, we left things on a really good note and he was being sweet but it's now been a wk and I haven't heard from him. We don't normally talk on the phone, usually texting or MSN. What's up with this? He only got back last wk so I guess he could be busy with catching up with ppl but still ...is he interested or just stringing me along? Is he getting frustrated that it's nearly been a year of chasing and we're still not anything? But then again, why isn't he contacting me consistently? Or is 1 wk nothing to worry about? I'm just so confused! In terms of personality, he's a pretty confident guy but can have some pride issues (ie. competitive/ego)

  5. I'm in a situation where everything's been great, but he's gone overseas for 6mths, he came back to visit me during this time and we had a great time but we are not exclusive although we both are interested in one another and kinda seeing each other. However, our emails are starting to die off and he hasn't replied for about a week (he used to reply immediately). Does this mean anything or do guys generally not like to email?


    I'm confused - my friend said that in another situation, the guy is interested in her her but he takes ages to email and just doesn't like to reply even though he is very into her. However another friend said that guys will reply if they are into you and if the emails start dying off, then he's not interested?

  6. Definitely wait for him to contact you from now on. You've made it clear you're interested and it seems he might be attracted to you but I really don't know whether he's fully interested. I know lots of guys call back just out of politeness and they would rather do anything than say "I'm not interested". Wait until he calls you. If he doesn't, move on.


    And I agree with annie24 - I know a lot of guys who are taken and still flirt heaps! Trust me, a lot of guys do. But at the end of the day, it's just flirting and he still goes back to his girlfriend/wife/whatever.

  7. I have to agree with lifeiscash. My best guy friend always tells me not to have sex too soon because guys can separate emotions and sex, whereas girls get emotionally attached after sex. I'm sorry to be so brutally honest, but that's the truth. It is about the challenge in a way, and seeing how far a girl will give in on the first few dates. If she does have sex, the interest decreases b/c there's nothing to chase and there's no mystery left. I know it's really painful and he's a jerk for doing that for you, but you do learn from experience and become stronger. I doubt he wants to go into something serious, I think he just viewed it as sex otherwise he would have called and you're way way way better than waiting for a guy who doesn't call after sex.

  8. Say the girl is leaving to go overseas/away in about a week. Would you say the girl should call the guy to meet up before she leaves, or the guy who is staying calls the girl? (given that the guy knows when the girl is leaving and they have been on a few dates already, etc)


    Basically, should the "leaver" call or the "stayer"? (hope that makes sense!)

  9. The thing is I'm leaving in a week to go overseas and I don't want to leave it on such a weird note. Should I call him to meet up, or technically, since he knows I'm leaving and since I already mentioned it to him before that we should catch up, he would call if he really wanted to catch up?

  10. none of us know why he is saying and doing these things, we can guess and come up with all sorts of possibilities, but really you just have to talk to him about this


    Well he's just like, you could call me? And I need to know whether he really is just stringing me along b/c I can then maybe move on. And even when I don't text him and I think we're over, he'll just re appear again and text me and the whole thing starts again.


    Has anyone had similar experiences? Or guys - would you do this to a girl? What do you think?

  11. But why does he do the whole "why didn't you call me" ..."that's not nice" thing? I mean is it to make me feel guilty or what? Even when HE said he would call? Unless I heard wrong (but either way, if he wanted to HE should call)

  12. Well I know that if a guy makes it very clear to me that he wants to date me and offers me no mystery, is too nice or straight forward, it definitely takes out the attraction to a certain extent. There has to be an element of mystery and chase. And I'm a girl! The guys I've chased never worked out so I've stopped chasing them and I find that if a guy likes you, he'll chase you or at least makes an effort to.

  13. Is he someone that you would really like to date, or if someone else came along you would drop him like a hot potatoe?


    Someone I would like to continue dating but I really don't know how b/c of how he's so hot and cold!


    It might be he is not very confident in phoning, so relies on texts where he can be more casual and "brave"...but whom knows for sure. It could also be that he is trying to play it cool, or that he is semi-interested, but not overly so.


    He's the confident type and in the beginning he was texting a lot while I was playing it cool and now it's kind of reversed. Am I overreacting to say that I find it rude that he would text me and then after I reply and ask him a question, he doesn't reply back for days?

  14. I am really fed up and confused about this guy who is really inconsistent - our dates would be great, he'll text and ask to see me again, I'll reply but then he won't reply for about 3 or 4 days and then suddenly text again but with some flirty text instead of actually setting a date and it's ages before we actually set an actual time.


    Also, he'll say that he'll call and then all of a sudden text me with "why didn't you call me?" or be all flirty like "you're too good for me hey - don't be so mean! " and I'm so confused b/c I thought if he wanted to, he should call me, especially when he said he would be the one to call?


    I feel like he's just stringing me along and being all hot and cold. Am I overreacting or is he just playing me and not taking me seriously? It's been about 3 mths of this.

  15. **Update - even more confused now help!***


    Ok so he texted me after his exams asking me what I've been up to and that we should catch up before I head overseas (which is next week).


    The thing is - I texted back asking him how he was and when he was free to catch up and it's been 2 days and he still hasn't replied?!


    What's the deal here? Do you think he lost his phone (is that lame lol - but apart from each other's numbers, we don't have email or any other form of contact ...could it be a possibility?) or do you think he'll get back to me eventually? I'm really confused, I'm leaving next week - should I just keep waiting? Whats up with this?




    I've been on a date with this guy a while ago and we've had dates going on for a while now. Right now we've both got exams and before he said that we'll meet up after the whole exam period is over. However, I saw him at one of the exams and when I talked to him for a bit, he didn't mention anything about meeting up after exams again and it was a lot of small talk about how we've been, etc. There wasn't really a goodbye, like our convo just kind of finished and there wasn't any "ok cya later".


    Is it just understood that we'll still meet and get in contact when our exams are finished in a few weeks, like there was no need for him to bring it up again, or is he backing off? If he wasn't interested, would he have said something conclusive like "ok well enjoy your holidays" or something? I know it's probably just something small but just feeling a bit in doubt ...

  16. This guy fully pursued me, we had one really great date, he tried to be touchy and kinda hint at holding my hand but I didn't really let him. At the end of the date he asked me when he can see me next ...I was been flirty and said soon. He asked me to give him an exact day and I just said soon again ...like really flirty. He said how about I call him when I'm not busy and I replied, no how about you call me. He texted me the next day saying how great the date was ...the thing is, he just kept texting me a few days later asking me why I didn't call and just been really flirty but not setting any dates. I replied back equally flirty and kind of hinting at wanting to go out again but he didn't set anything.


    I found out he also had a girlfriend all along, right from the beginning but he never told me about it and I don't think he knows I know (though I've heard they're on the rocks). So what happened? Did he just lose interest or was it because he thought I wasn't interested or just playing with him (coz I didn't call, I've never initiated anything or let anything get physical on the date)? Do you think he was playing me all along and realised things were getting risky or serious? It's been a few weeks and the texts have died down and I have no idea what's happened?


    On campus, he still stares at me, really friendly when he talks to me and sometimes follows me/tries to be near me but he's not initiating any texts anymore ...

  17. Teacup, I am in exactly the same situation! We had a great first date and now he's just been texting me hinting at plans but never following through and I'm really sick of it too. From all the advice I've gotten, he's definitely playing games and jerking you around. A real guy that's decent and is really after you should be calling you for a date, wanting to see you all the time and thus, making plans with you. What Scout said is really true. Well that's what I figured from my situation and I've decided to just be "friends" with my guy and spend my time with someone that's more worthwhile.


    It hurts because there seemed to be so much potential, but yeah, it's as good as it gets because if he's like that during courtship, then imagine what he's gonna be like if you were really in a r'ship and always wondering whether he'll come through for you ...

  18. I don't understand. You wrote him and said, "Let's meet tonight?" and he didn't write you back until that night?


    hmmm.... sometimes, I get voicemails hours after they're left. Some phone glitch. But, more likely, I think he's playing around. If he wants you, he can DIAL your number and ask you out....



    Yeah I asked him if he was free and he didn't get back to me until around 9pm with a rather flirty text but which obviously was too late to do anything anyway. Is that game playing? People aren't THAT busy! I mean just out of politeness, wouldn't you text someone back at least before night? This is the first time I've initiated something, usually he's the one pursuing but I'm pretty sure from the first date he knows I'm interested.

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