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Everything posted by Ella2717277

  1. I was talking to my boyfriend about how I’m insecure about my nose and want to change it. He kept telling me that I looked fine and that I don’t need to fix it. When I changed the subject he stopped me and said that he “didn’t want to lie” and that he did notice SOMETHING about my nose but it was so “minuscule” that he only noticed after seeing my face up close. He could tell I felt bad and started saying things like how his own insecurities about his nose are much more noticeable and he can’t stress how “minuscule” the problem with my nose is. The next day he apologized a lot. He told me he was tired at the time (last night we spoke around midnight on the phone) and he didn’t mean what he said. He also said there was nothing wrong with my nose and that he cannot possibly look at me in a negative light. I don’t understand why he pointed out the problem with my nose when he knows Im insecure about it. This conversation also happened after I opened up to him about my body issues and battle with anorexia in the past. I know it’s just a small comment but I can’t get over my own boyfriend thinking there’s something wrong with my face. Am I being too sensitive for thinking of breaking up with him?
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