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  1. True- I guess there is a huge difference when someone possesses those qualities and there is also better chemistry. Thank you.
  2. Thank you everyone for the great replies. I think some good points were made about being "good on paper". Which yes, she is perfect on paper. But yes at the end of the day, there aren't any butterflies, over excitement, anything like that, which I have felt for previous women. I guess it just makes me second guess what I really want for a long term partner, because I thought all the qualities she possesses were it.
  3. I have been with this woman for a little over 3 months, not very long I know. She has a great personality, successful career, great family life, and very attractive. I am 31, she is 30, so no age gap. Lately (the last couple weeks), I have had this looming feeling come over me that is telling me she is not the one. I can't understand why. I'm just not "into" her like I have been past girlfriends. I really try hard not to compare past relationships but looking back at my most recent ex, it was pretty early on that we just effortlessly clicked and we had a strong relationship from the start. This girl is great in so many ways- she is caring, patient, no jealousy issues, honestly all qualities that I look for in a partner. We see each other a good amount and do fun things regularly. I like to give myself 3 months to look at a relationship and see if it's worth carrying on. Why am I not completely happy even though she seems like such a good match for me? Right now I am at the age where I don't have time to waste, and I know what I want in a woman. Part of me thinks I'm searching for a feeling that my last relationship gave me and I'm just not there with this one. Any advice, words of wisdom please!
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