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Everything posted by Bradley19852203

  1. Would be coming up on 2 years (February 2021). Further to the point above, the situation with the Mum is more that - and she’s a lovely person, I don’t mean this to sound rude - she’s a very big personality who is quite “present”. I guess in my head it just feels like very quickly gone from dates outside the house (which the Mum coincidentally helped with babysitting for haha) to then going round for dinner and the like and it’s like oh, here’s Mum. Maybe it’s just me.
  2. I have started dating someone who has two young kids, is divorced but the father of the two kids has since passed away (sadly). Given all of this, this lady lives with her Mum (granny flat type arrangement) but it all seems a bit crowded and I don’t know where I could ever fit as her Mum, being the kids grandmother, is also playing somewhat of a fatherly role. It feels like a lot to plough through but I really enjoy this woman’s company and she’s a great person. Thoughts?
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