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Everything posted by millerzeke4

  1. Hey all, My relationship started off sort of at the end of high school in roughly May. The girl and I had been best friends for a while before (since November) and we clicked amazingly. We had an awesome three months before we broke things off for university at the beginning of August. August was a really horrible period for both of us. We made the stupid decision of agreeing to stay friends (yeah, I know) and I messed up (kept saying we needed to cut contact and then ultimately going back a day later). Understandably, she got pissed because it ***ed with her feelings. Fast forward to September, we're both in university. We talk, we both have feelings, we get back together. She's about 3000 kilometers away (in the US) and I'm in Canada. Things are really, really great. We know we align from a value perspective, long-term we can reach compromises on work that we're both willing to do, and we can meaningfully make things work. In October, we reached midterm season, which is essentially the period where most students take exams during the middle of their academic semester. I became super busy and we disconnected a little (stopped facetiming every day, etc.) Of the very little time I spent socializing, it would be at dinner or while studying. In the two months since university has started, I've become really close with another girl at my college on my floor. We're in the same main friend group and she's also awesome. We've been going to a bunch of things together and quite honestly I know that we both have feelings for each other. The problem is, I'm also in love with my girlfriend. And yes, I am. I've thought quite a bit about that and I truly am. She's awesome. But this introduces a dilemma of choice: Reddit, do I pursue the long-term LDR with a girl that's truly awesome and that I really click with or do I give up on long-distance and try things out with the girl at my college?
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