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Everything posted by Jade31xx

  1. We are actually engaged to be married, and we have spoken often about children of our own but are unable to right now. We’ve battled with many issues during our relationship (after all not every relationship is plain sailing) which have added to problems! This is just one that keeps arising. I understand his child’s needs need to be met but his exs’ don’t!!
  2. I feel like he panders to her, whilst it’s mostly conversations about their child, she messages him often, asking for money, (he pays support plus extras for whatever his son needs on top). They always alter the days he has the child which doesn’t always work and I sometimes have to change/cancel my plans and shifts to suit. example; my only day off this week falls on a Wednesday, (which he knew) so was due to have his son Monday/Tuesday, however because this didn’t suit her, he’s altered everything to fit around that. Disregarding me and our plans etc! Maybe that sounds selfish I don’t know 😬 move always felt less important when that side of his life comes into it
  3. I feel like I’m stuck in a bad cycle and I’m trying my hardest to get out of it. My partner of nearly 6 years has a child with his ex, I’m constantly feeling like I don’t matter/belong in the ‘family circle ‘. i have found it extremely difficult to adjust my life (I have no children yet) according to them and the co-parenting side. However I always feel that whilst his child is obviously important and should come first in many aspects, I’m not being heard. the main issue is his ex partner and her needs always seem to be met over mine, when I ask why this is, I get told ‘it’s for my son’ whilst sometimes that makes sense, I can’t help but feel that her needs are always met whilst I’m left lingering! Can anyone point me in the right direction? has anyone been in the position before? What can I do? TIA
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