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Everything posted by Hotrocket1111

  1. Thank you. He will realise since I’ve kept him blocked and haven’t given him yet another chance (we broke up at least 5 times in the past, and each time I kept forgiving him) but this time cos I’ll keep him blocked, surely he will know that I don’t forgive him and even though I showed him affection and spent time with him, at the end of the day I haven’t given him another chance, and by keeping him blocked I still have some sort of dignity and self respect… right? I hope.
  2. Thank you. He will realise since I’ve kept him blocked and haven’t given him yet another chance (we broke up at least 5 times in the past, and each time I kept forgiving him) but this time cos I’ll keep him blocked, surely he will know that I don’t forgive him and even though I showed him affection and spent time with him, at the end of the day I haven’t given him another chance, and by keeping him blocked I still have some sort of dignity and self respect… right? I hope.
  3. Thanks, the way you described things all makes sense. I am beating myself up because I had walked away from him 2 months ago with full dignity in tact, then to go and ruin it all and spend time with him, kiss him and be affectionate etc. cried in front of him and showed vulnerability has discredited all the hard work I done by walking away and staying no contact. Given my power away… But I am hoping that at the very least the fact I haven’t unblocked him will show him that I have the will power to stick to this now and not break no contact again, and that I haven’t just ran back into his arms and given him another chance. I will keep him blocked and surely he will realise, I don’t forgive him and have sense to know not to give him a chance again. I’m worried about how all his friends will think I’m a fool now too, once they hear from him what I done. One of his mates he lives with was even there and knew I slept over.
  4. Hi I really need some supportive words. I contacted my ex narcissist when I was drunk and he came to see me, he was so horrible to me when we were in a relationship. I finally ended things, and blocked him 2 months ago. He was verbally and emotionally abusive when we were together, after I broke up with him he tried stalking me and sent me threats and was so abusive (just before I blocked him 2 months ago). I told all my friends including some of our mutual friends how horrible this guy was and that I never wanted him in my life again, they were all shocked to hear how badly he treated me. I’m the fool who then gets drunk and spends the night with him (we didn’t have sex), and hung out the next day. I am having the worse regret of my life, I spent the night with him. We had ice cream together the next day, and even kissed and held hands, and hugged. I told him I couldn’t see him again, before we kissed goodbye and hugged. Said I would never be able to be with him again, and never want to talk or see him again. I kept him blocked. The way he treated me in our toxic relationship was awful and actions inexcusable, now I am so angry at myself that he got the satisfaction of spending time with me, and kissing me etc. he didn’t deserve any of that. Obviously I’m keeping him blocked and will never contact him again. Have I lost my self respect by doing this? How do I shake this awful sick feeling of deep regret that I even spent time with a man who treated me so badly. Will he realise I just made a mistake, and see me as having self worth by not unblocking him, and know that I can’t forgive him by not hearing from me ever again / keeping him blocked?
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