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  1. So I met this guy on a little get-together on our uni campus a month ago. We knew each other kind of from passing since we had two classes together but never really spoke. On this get-together we exchanged a few looks and then he and his friend just came up to me and my friends and we were hanging out the entire evening. At some point he gave me his number so we can stay in touch about the homework for the subject we have together (there are weekly assignments that we need to do). My friends did tell me they felt like a vibe going on between us but that could've just been the alcohol. My favourite moment was us watching a football game on his phone and he kinda leaned into me more. Anyways, I texted him the next day, sending him a part of my homework we talked about at the get-together. It was a short exchange, nothing special. A few days later I reached out about the class being online (I found out through another professor and there was nothing about it on our uni website) and since then we've been talking. At first he would answer once or twice a day. Then after some time he started answering pretty often, every 15-20 minutes I would say. Last week we had a lecture together and he texted me before saying "are you on campus already?" I responded saying I would be there in 10 minutes or so and then he said "me and my friends are sitting in the last row if you want to sit with us". I came on campus, saw him in the classroom and said hi. As I was going to the part where you can leave your coat I could see him put his phone down and stretching while smiling big. I sat down a seat away from him and we talked and joked before the lecture. Throughout the lecture we didn't really talk but I noticed he was fidgety (not sure if that's how he usually is) and I also saw him glancing towards me a few times. After class we talked some more, said goodbye before the holidays and what I remember is him looking 3 more times behind him towards me while smiling as he was leaving. The next 2 days we texted on a pretty constant basis but then he just disappeared for 3 days 🙂 I know he probably went home to spend the holidays with his family, but this confused me. He then reached out yesterday responding to my last message and saying "also merry Christmas! ☺️". I of course responded back wishing him the same hoping he would strike some kind of conversation with me, but he didn't. 😕 Any advice?
  2. Thank you for all the responses! I just wanted to clarify that we did not sleep with eachother. There was never anything sexual between us. Except cuddling and kisses on the cheek. Also, I am 20 and he’s 22.
  3. This is a long story but I promise I will try and keep it as short as possible. I met this guy online 2 years ago now when I moved here for uni. We clicked immediately, had a lot in common and just understood each other very well. We would talk constantly but never meet up. For context, he is muslim and I myself am not and his family is against him dating or even hanging out alone with girls that do not share the same beliefs. In those two years we shared everything about each other - our problems, fears, trauma ... I always considered him my best friend, a person I can share anything and everything with. We were also flirty with each other, but since I knew I would probably never meet him in person, I didn't think much of it. Until a month ago when we finally met for the first time. He came over in the evening, we were just sitting in front of my building talking and then he ended up spending the night at my place. We talked about how this feels so natural and easy. He said he wants to do more video chats and how he wants to see me more often and it seemed we were both on the same page. Then a few days later one of his close relatives died and I could just sense that he wasn't in a good place. I wanted to be there for him but he was more and more distant. Things were different now because I realized I really had deep feelings for him. I honestly thought he felt the same way. Then he started saying how everything is ***ed up and he doesn't know what he wants, so I distanced myself from him. We didn't talk for 3 weeks at all and then 2 days ago he reached out again. He said how he thought he could do this on his own but he's been going through some really dark stuff and he had suicidal thoughts. He asked me if I could come to his place and I didn't even think about it twice. It was around 9 pm so I packed an overnight bag and went straight to his place. He told me everything that happened and mentioned his ex girlfriend - he said how he still has feelings for her and how he regrets ruining things between them 8 months ago. I knew about her but I didn't think he still had such strong feelings, that caught me off guard. It wasn't just about her, there were a lot of other things happening with his family. He said how he can't eat for days now, he's been having nightmares and suicidal thoughts. While talking about it he was just crying while I was holding him in my arms. It honestly broke my heart seeing him in so much pain. We fell asleep cuddling and every now and then he would wake up and pull me closer so I would just tell him "it's okay, I'm here". I didn't sleep at all that night. It was a week night so we needed to wake up early and go to uni. When we got ready we still had time so we talked for a bit. He said how nice it is to fall asleep and wake up next to me, that I'm the first girl he ever asked to come over to his place, that he didn't dream at all and he feels so much "lighter" now. He seemed so much better too. On campus that day we ran into each other one time and he smiled at me and waved before leaving for his class. Later that day I asked him how he was feeling and he said he's having a really good day and he actually ate something. I know it sounds funny but that made me so happy. But I still felt sad and empty to be honest. I thought he had feelings for me too. He then thanked me for the hundredth time that day for being there for him. I said he can reach out anytime and I'll always be there for him but otherwise I can't be just friends. To that he said he will do that but he needs to face it alone for a while. So my question is, did I do the right thing in the end? Did I read too much into it? I just can't figure him out and I don't know what to do... Any insight would be helpful and thank you to anyone who takes time in reading this through!
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