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Posts posted by ImpulseVindicator

  1. You're broken up but she wants you around still, I would not accept this. She didn't really cheat but she's very close to using you as a doormat. I would just ignore her from now on outside of politely replying to anything she says, and keep your convos very short.

  2. For you and anyone else reading this thread, take it from someone who also experienced this and has finally cut all ties from the relationship. End it now and work on moving on. Chances are you had some great times, if not a very fast and 'whirlwind' beginning. These will keep you tied down because its a manipulation tactic. My ex lovebombed me for months then suddenly ignored me for weeks before telling me how jealous and hurt they were that their ex from two years prior was getting married.

    Someone who posseses the common sense to know telling your current partner about what your ex is up to and how it effects you is hurtful, yet still does it behind the plausible deniability of being "honest" is the exact opposite. On top of her already lying by omission to you. You do NOT want to be in a position where you question their actions and motivations constantly, it will almost always be flipped back onto you. Do not give them the benefit of the doubt, they've shown you who they are.

    It won't be easy to move on so quickly but over time you'll start to see things for what they are, you are not missing out on this person whose actions show the feelings between you aren't entirely mutual.

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