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Posts posted by Whathappend2you

  1. "So last night I broke down hardcore. In a nutshell, casey ( my ex) didn't help at all. In fact it just made things a lot worse. We can block my number and that just led to fools. I was completely fine until last night because Im addicted to these stupid awesome flashbacks where you can only play the top ten hits. What I dont understand is when I call while Im breaking down he'll sigh and not care


    He joked around with dane that my best friend from elementary school made out with them right infront of me.


    he agreed with his myspace chick that I was trying to talk to her to get to him; when I could talk to him whenever I wanted


    When I came to his house worn down, he kicked me down again by showing me pictures of him and his new group of emo girlfriends all dancing and cuddling together. I told him to take me home immeditly.


    I asked him where all the presents that I spent hours on and thought where and he went to his closet and pulled out a shoebox under a whole bunch of stuff and said its right here


    He would push me away physically


    I asked if he still cared and he said its hard to


    I asked him what happened to the straight edge kid who used to be obsessed with me, look at his xanga, who I would give my life for. He doesnt know


    hurt people hurt others and everyone tells me thats whats going on with him. If he asked me out tomorrow I would still say ' no' because I dont want that, I just cant stand this ignoring. One day everything, the next nothing. Yet, Ive learned to pick up what you can and leave what you must.


    Accept the past and move on. Its sad though because the only impossible thing in the whole world is that you can never go back, thereforeeee that equals the most depressing thought in the world and then you become addicted.


    The person that needs the relationship more doesnt have control of it, rather you get beaten down.


    I NEED a kid who wont turn his back on me and become a c___ ( yes I never ever use that discription)


    But Im eating so that means that Im not as sad as I think I am. Slowly but surely Im accepting more and more of what I will never have again


    Not to be egotistical or anything along those lines WHATSOEVER but...


    Sometime in October-Casey-"blah money sucks, i told whitney today that if personality measured your wealth (which it should, but then i would be poor..oh well)), then she would be the richest person alive. and that if everyone was as opened minded as her than the world would be better off. shes such a great person, and shes my girlfriend yay!"


    "well the credits are rolling now and all that is left are deleted scenes and outtakes. the movies were better with her in my arms, the glow from the tube seemed brighter and the words on the screen lighter. her skin against mine, her beauty so divine. i looked into your eyes and saw....this is something that money cannot buy. goodnight




    "Tuesday, February 15, 2005



    i just got off the phone with whtiney and she makes me happy"


    "....i saw her in the button hat in her group of friends, she was so beautiful..i was waiting for you by the bike rack..i swear..ill always be there for you.


    love to my friends and love to Whitney Raquel Hazemyer

    -Casey Tyler Norrid"


    "when all the salt left through your red, beaten eyes,

    there was nothing to stop them from seeing the lies

    when all the blood passed through your still beating heart

    there was nothing to keep it from falling apart




    "i said to her that its too hard to see her with other guys and its either we get back togather or i cant talk to you. thats when she broke down and said how much i still mean to her and how i will always be the one she loves most. after she did that i knew i could never have her missing in my life either and then we got happy, yay!" ....thanks a lot there pal


    *POINTS TO CASEY* HA! You did care and you wont forget.


    I had him at his best


    *sinky heart feeling* "


    we went out for 13 months


    After I broke up with him in March, we remained really good friends until the first week in june then he completely cut me off without warning. I think it was because he started getting attention from other girls. He wouldnt talk to me or anything. I am really against chemical usage for underaged people and he always swore he would never touch any of that stuff and now I find out hes drinking and smoking pot. I broke down, I dont think Ive ever felt so horrible. He told me to my face he doesnt love me anymore and he doesnt care. This is my first break up so I have no idea what to do. I was thinking hypnosis or something along those lines and avoid anti depressants. He's so utterly different now and he says hes never been happier. Im so lost and I want to be over this but Im coming to the realization that time is the only thing that will heal


    anyone? help please...

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