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  1. I can’t answer that. I feel it might go back to my childhood and how I was brought up, so fear of making mistakes and that manifesting as a paralysis in decision making
  2. I struggle with decision making and fear deep down I know what I want but can’t abide upsetting people
  3. hi all i'm faced with an almost impossible decision, well it isn't if you're remote from it but to me its terrible 😞 So, I seem to be in a infinite loop of being unable to decide which life to follow - partner wise. I have dated 2 people, one with a child and 1 without and I must make a choice between them as I obviously cannot perpetuate both - I must add I haven't been seeing them both at the same time in any serious way, but I feel I know enough about each to be in such a bind over what direction to go. I feel it's a classic heart Vs head problem, but I can't see past the fact that my ideal person is the bloody combination of the both, so the freedom and lifestyle of the person without the child but the connection (physical and intellectually) of the person with the child. I have a life where I really enjoy just being able to go out and enjoy things - so, walking and enjoying nature, I have a house which enables me to do this (by proximity to countryside) and I fear committing to the person with a child will inevitably lead to me losing some of this. The person which fits seamlessly with my life is so loving and caring and i do genuinely believe i could be happy in future but i always come back to the other person mentally - she just has the additional factor of greater physical attraction alongside being equally as lovely to be around. i wish life were simple for once but i stuck in a terrible pickle which has so much finality to it, i don't fair well in these situations hence my reaching out to the internet - a strange choice, but one that is indicative of my distress i welcome the thoughts of those with experience of such decisions 🙂
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