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Posts posted by ben

  1. Just now, MissCanuck said:

    Which is precisely why you should not discuss this with him now. He's got enough to deal with. Be his support system - not the guy who stirs the pot at the worst possible time. You don't seem have all the facts of the situation, anyway; for example,  you don't appear to know whether they had already discussed this and came to an agreement that works for both of them. 

    I get you don't want him to get hurt. But if he's happy with her for now, leave it be. Focus on other things and don't over-step boundaries. You're getting too involved and too agitated about it. Live and let live. 

    Why can't people read.  


  2. 5 minutes ago, indea08 said:

    What do you want us to say? That she was totally out of line and is likely going to hurt him? So you can feel right about disliking her? Look where that would leave Rich. Just having lost his father, a crappy girlfriend, and a best friend that’s pushing him to go through a break up.

    If HE has an issue with her, HE will handle it when he’s ready. 

    If YOU have an issue with her, now is not the time to make waves about it. Now is the time for you to be nothing but supportive of whatever Rich says he needs, regardless of your own opinions.

    You came here for opinions and then declared that we know nothing about life because we didn’t agree with you. So how are you going to react to Rich when he doesn’t agree with you and gets upset with you for adding more stress to his already full plate?



    It's the rude way people have responded.  I get some points made but the way some user on here talk is just rude.  I asked a question no matter the answers.  I did not asked to be treated like s***. That is what I was on about and so many others have said the same.


    Advice for you all,,, GET OF THIS F****** FOURM.

  3. 1 minute ago, boltnrun said:

    It just seems you're overly involved and overly concerned with his feelings.

    Are you currently dating anyone? If so, what do they think of this situation? 

    I worried about my mate as he not in a great place at the moment. I don't want him going to the edge again.

    Yes I have a wife.  She to polite to say anything out loud other than she doesn't like her.

  4. 4 minutes ago, MissCanuck said:

    Is he not capable of making his own deicsions?

    You seem irrationally angry at this woman, and have little faith that your friend can manage his own relationship. 

    I don't think his in the right headspace.  He acting odd. You can see sadness in his eyes.  He seems lost.  It's these things wrong people can take advantage of.  That is my worry.  I'm not angry with her.  

  5. Having research into reviews of this forum I can tell why a lot of you are the way you are.  I don't think any of you have a clue in life but are just judgemental from the back bedroom.  

    I never said I would tell my mate.  I will consider if I continue to stay silent or have a word.  I take you point about going to the wedding but waiting over 24 hours to come back, staying and partying know his hurt and posting pictures less than 24 hours is very odd.  

    I talked to a few people who agree.  But I will say my mate made a point.  If Rich said for her to go maybe he did not want her there as he not serious about her.  

    Nature will take it's course. I just hope it's not at Rich expence.

  6. 1 hour ago, boltnrun said:

    By chance are you just a little bit envious of their relationship? Or do you feel like this woman has taken your friend away from you?

    She has a reputation for hurting guys who don't treat her like a princess.  She is the typical school ***.  Having seen what my mate had gone through in his life I don't want him to go there again something which I think is a possibility if she treats him like ***. 

  7. Batya I don't judge you on that.  Your Husband and child are priory 1.  I understand why you had to do what you had to do.  The point I make is my mate was on his own.  He just didn't not feel strong enough to say it in fear of upsetting her.  What I am saying is she should have seen the pain he was in and did more.  She did not make him priory 1.  What also concerns me is my mate has had a rough month with all of this.  He seems very lost.  I am worried about him but I don't think she cares as much as his mates do and this was an example of that. It worries me for the future and what impact it will have on my mate.  With the mental problems he had before,     I just don't want to lose my mate you know.

  8. 3 minutes ago, Wiseman2 said:

     It's not all about you. You need to stop making a mountain out of a molehill.  

    So you don't think that's odd in anyway.  You don't think she could not have waited?

    I get your view Wiseman.  You think she did nothing wrong and it was ok for him to be on his own in his darkest hour.  He should man up and get over it.  You can stop now.

    She should have been more selfless. 7 months is a fair amount of time to be with someone.  I bet she would be pissed if it was the other way round.

  9. It was clear by Thursday he was unlikely to make it to the end of the weekend.  She still went.

    I get your point about going to the wedding.  But could she not come back earlier?  Did she have to go to the after party? 

    The worst point for me was she posted the pictures less than 24 hours after his dad died.  Could she not have waited?  

  10. I have not said anything about her to him.  I only talked about other stuff with him.  

    His been all over the place for the last month and I don't think he wanted to upset her but he clearly need her.  She could not see her man in pain because she to busy.  He saw not her priory. 

    I had the same thing happen to me.  My girlfriends Mum was dying.  My mate and I were going to ibiza for his stag.  I could see my girlfriend was upset and even though she said go I had a chat with my mate to which he understood and I stayed with her.  Our relationship was 4 and a bit months old. 

  11. He would say that but when he called me earlier in the week you tell he was upset.  You would have thought she would have seen this to and have done more to be with him like come back earlier. 

    She might not be family but if she loves him then she could be in the future so I would have put him first.  I would of with my partner.

    We follow each other on social media as we went to the same college.  Her post came on my timeline. 


  12. My friend's (Rich) Dad has been ill for sometime.  He was admitted to hospital looking very unwell.  He condition got worse and sadly on Saturday the 6th he died. 

    What is odd is his girlfriend Cara who had been with Rich in the lead up seeing his dad very unwell still decided to go to a wedding that weekend.  I believe it was either her sisters or best friend wedding and she was bridesmaid but there was two other ones as well as her.  She knew he had only days to live and still decided to leave the one she says she loves to go on a three day trip to a wedding.  Worst still in less than 24 hours of his Dad dyeing she posted pictures of her at the wedding posing.  

    If it was me I would have made Rich the priority and stayed with he as I know he would need me.  Unlike Cara who made him second best.


    So I am asking am I being to protective of my mate or should she have stayed?  Is she truly in love with him or not?


    They been together for around 7 months+.

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