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Posts posted by Inky-nebula

  1. 16 hours ago, Wiseman2 said:

    Someone who just wants to coast along playing house, kick back and put the relationship on autopilot.. 

    Wiseman2: This statement has hit hard. For a long time I have felt like a background character on "autopilot". I cook, clean and maintain the household unnoticed as he watches sports, plays on his Xbox and masturbates. He behaves like a single teenager. 

  2. Needinghelp101: As a result of him not seeing any issue with his involvement in this scenario, it looks like the latter option has become the only choice. 

    Wiseman2: We once had a great sex life but the novelty of 'me' wore off - and it is certainly not due to a lack of trying on my part. I believe he gets bored easily so the variety of Women in Pornography entertains him. 
    Other than this issue, our core values and life goals are similar which is what makes this situation so incredibly sad. 

  3. My boyfriend's Pornography use has come in-between our relationship. 

    With a limitless supply of Pornography at his fingertips, the monotony of 'me' has become unstimulating. Due to him fulfilling his own needs, I feel cheated out of a satisfying sexual experience and my desire for intimacy isn't met. I try not to take it personally but I am often left feeling undesirable, which is a huge turn off. 

    I dress in lingerie, I try to be sexier and switch things up playfully, however, I have been rejected due to him having already satisfied himself. It's disappointing, off-putting and difficult not to take it personally. He has a high sex drive, just not with me. 
    Despite feeling hurt, I have tried to understand and shake off feelings of inadequacy: Porn is a way to satisfy himself quickly with a variety of fantasies with no partner to consider. It's easy. It's lazy. It's effortless. 
    When I picked up the courage to talk to him in a non-confrontational manor, his immediate response was that he would stop and that was the end of the conversation- But he didn't stop. He now just fulfills his own needs in secrecy, often concealed with lies which makes matters much worse. The lies are irritating and I feel like he puts his desires before my trust. I am disappointed.
    After weeks of feeling like I had been dismissed with a lie, I spoke to him again. He said:
    "This is a subject we are not going to agree on. I watched Porn while I was single; It meant nothing then and it means nothing now." 

    There's a lot more to a relationship than sex, but this situation is really grinding me down. Advice?

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