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Posts posted by Jackripp

  1. I passed her and her new boyfriend today. Later I saw her by herself and she came up and said "you look good" I said thanks and we parted. I was grinning and so was she.


    Now this didn't set me back whatsoever. She can think I look good all she wants but she can't have me. I do wonder why she said it. What game is she trying to play. eh, maybe she was just being truthful. I do look good. A hell of a lot better then the last time I saw her.



  2. I have been trying very limited contact.


    The new girl I am dating is insecure and wrote my ex a letter on myspace. I don't know exactly what it said but I am VERY upset about it. I think it might ruin my Limited Contact. She said it was just to make sure that my ex didn't want me back, and it told her to leave me alone.



    This could do nothing but hurt my situation and I am mad because I was in control of how I felt, now I am not.

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