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Adam Gagnon

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Everything posted by Adam Gagnon

  1. My only question to that would be why would she talk about marriage, having kids, moving in together saying she wants to see me everyday etc if she was looking for a casual relationship? I also asked her before we became official what she was looking for and asked if she wanted something casual like hook ups or an actual relationship and she said a relationship
  2. She was very inconsistent with me. You can see my previous replies where I discuss some of the stuff she said and another time where I felt unimportant to her. Her actions didn’t seem to line up with her words. Ex: saying she could see herself marrying me and wanting to see me everyday but then being completely fine using any excuse to not see me, even if I had a bad day, so I definitely believe all of that played a role into how I felt about the birthday plans. I also didn’t say this in my original post, but I did want her to be able to see her friends and celebrate with them. I didn’t want to hold her from seeing them. It just hurt that not seeing me on her actual birthday didn’t seem to matter to her, because I would want to spend my birthday with the person that I was dating and would plan around that
  3. I am 23 she is 21. We had only been dating for about 4 months which I understand isn’t a long time, but she had told me I was someone she could see herself marrying, had talked about kids with me and living with me, wanting to see me everyday etc. She had planned this trip well after we were already official which I said in a previous reply if these were preexisting plans it would have been a completely different story. And she did not make me feel important to her prior to this. I’ll spare every last detail but she had eye surgery at one point, in which I took care of her everyday for roughly two weeks. I did eye drops for her roughly 10 times a day, I made food for her, picked up food for her helped her get dressed go to the bathroom etc., very shortly after I did all of this for her I had a tremendously bad day at work, and asked her if we could hangout when I was done. After I got off work I called her, and she asked if we could hangout the next day because she had to do laundry and take a shower. This was at 8:30 pm, while she did nothing during the day but sleep. That also hurt my feelings very deeply
  4. I understand what you are saying. This was planned well after we were already dating. Had it been planned before we started dating, it would have been a completely different story. We first started seeing each other at the end of January. We were only together around 4-5 months which isn’t a very long time but she had spoken of seeing me as someone she could marry, she had brought up living together in the future, discussed kids and told me she wanted to see me everyday.
  5. Hello everyone. I would like to have honest opinions on an argument that ended a relationship recently. My girlfriend’s birthday was coming up next month, and I asked her what she wanted to do for her birthday to start a dialogue on it and figure out what she was wanting to do. To my surprise she told me she was planning to go out of state with another friend to visit their friend that moved recently. It hurt my feelings because the way I looked at it was birthdates are important and I would want to spend my birthday with my significant other, and to her it was no big deal. When she first told me I was caught off guard and didn’t know quite what to say, so I waited and slept on it. When I woke up I still felt hurt that including me in her birthday plans didn’t seem to matter to her so I decided the best thing I could do was be honest and tell her that it hurt my feelings, as it made me feel unimportant. I understand it is her birthday, she can do whatever she pleases. This was not a matter of me wanting to control what she was allowed to do, it was a matter of me feeling unimportant to her. After I told her this she said she understands and tried to say she wasn’t putting anyone over anyone else but that’s how it felt to me. The conversation quickly went to her asking for space. This wasn’t the first time I had felt unimportant to her. Am I in the wrong for having hurt feelings over this
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