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  1. - Lambert Unprompted. We've had no contact, aside from my seeing their posts online (and I assume they've seen mine). My best guess is they're hurting a year later, and/or something in their life has been disrupted recently, and they thought writing their pain to me would provide comfort somehow.
  2. I've received attempts at manipulation before -- I think this a person in pain who doesn't have a lot good in their life right now and who wrote an ill-advised letter, but I don't think they're trying to manipulate me. When I last knew them, they didn't have supportive friends or family, so the fact that they're still in this much pain makes sense. But indeed I hope they find some people to be close to. Thanks kindly for your words. I'll be sure to protect myself regardless of my future actions regarding this person and their letter.
  3. Summer of 2020 I went on a date with someone who lived several hours away. By the end of the date I knew I didn't want a relationship, but when they asked then-and-there to schedule the next one I chickened out and planned a second date. By March of 2021 our relationship had dissolved. In summer of 2021 I broke off what was left. Last week (2022 -- a year after I broke up with them) they sent me a letter that basically asks for an explanation. Three pages, hand-written in cursive. In the letter my ex points out that the closeness I did not show to them, I did show to other friends. They were and are hurt that I didn't show that closeness to them. My guess is this letter is less about closure (closure is something one can only give one's self) and more about them going through a rough spot emotionally. I care for their wellbeing and I hope they have an ever-better life. They deserve great things and great peace. I know that the letter is more about my ex not feeling loved by people in their life right now, and I feel strongly for them in that regard. Since if I were to give an explanation (namely, that I don't share their feelings and that's why I broke it off) I would only hurt them and since I gave this exact explanation a year ago and they still want to know why (what it says on the tin), should I respond? Should I block them on social medias? What would I say in a response letter?
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