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Posts posted by Milleniumeye

  1. 2 hours ago, smackie9 said:

    Obviously you come to this conclusion that this is how your BF is...a little slow, a bit thick headed. Guess what....this is who he is. Don't like it, breakup with him. This is why we date. To find out if they fulfill our expectations. He doesn't. Instead you are frustrated with his personality/behaviour, especially in social situations.

    You like him, you have to be more understanding and patient with him. I suspect he's on the spectrum. You can't sit there, you have to be supportive and learn to navigate this situations with tact and grace. If you feel his friend gets out of line, YOU step up and shut him down. His friend's behaviour is atrocious. That should be your focus. He's been bullying your BF for some time and now he's starting in on you. Never let a man get away with such attitude, immature behaviours. Your BF isn't the problem here.

    You are right thank you for the feedback !!

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  2. I’m really sorry for my English and the way I articulate.
    It may be exhausting to read. 
    I’ve been dating this guy 5 months he is 25 I’m 23.
    He is the sweetest person I’ve ever met and he is such a generous , innocent and kind soul , and it’s indeed inspirational. We went yesterday to meet 5 of his friends (all of them guys) because they insisted that wanted to meet me. All of them were absolutely wonderful, but there was this guy that my bf had introduced me before , and he was hitting on me  infront of him something that my bf acknowledged as well, but did nothing about it …

    How ever that guy didn’t know me that well then so he was more appropriate, respectful and less clingy .

    So yesterday when I saw him for a second time he made compliments that my boyfriend wouldn’t normally  “do” on the table , infront of him, like he complimented my shirt (that was the simpliest shirt ever) , he also found ways to touch my hands or my face , and he couldn’t stop interviewing me, acting like he is such a good listener when I talked ( that fake interest that goes “ mhm, mhm keep going I’m listening “) he would look at my covered chest unapologetically and felt like he was there because it would be me as well.

     My bf was literally right next to me .Everything that guy said was a “smart ass” well actwually 👆🏻 joke to belittle my bf. I felt extremely uncomfortable and unsafe. When ever I wanted to say something to my bf he would say some *** to distract me. 

    My boyfriend would ask me a couples of times if I want something from the menu, and I would say no , something that obviously didn’t bother me , he wanted to make sure . That guy would say “ the gIrL told you No a couple of times , why don’t you gEt iT , how many times do you want to hear it from her to get it “ LIKE SHUT THE *** UP. 

    Anyhow , yesterday I also realised that my boyfriend can’t exactly read the room, despite having a job that forces him to be around people and interact with them all the time  . He made some really silly embarrassing jokes… that made his friends laugh … but it wasn’t with the joke , they were laughing at him … I could tell that. His friends would facepalm and look at me…
    I asked him why doesn’t he kiss me infront of his friends , and he told me that he is feeling shy , and he only pats my back/head or something . When we were distant from the guys , I talked about how annoying that friend of his is, and how he makes me feel and he said “ that’s why I told him …. (something that implied that we are together along the lines ) “ . 

    When we were heading home that guy was there with us, my bf would walk infront of us and leave us behind ( unconsciously ) and I would run behind him literally to catch him up and hold his hand.

    I texted him my concerns when I was home , I told him that this dude is NOT his friend , and he should be more upfront with him, and stop being so vanilla all the time . 

    He told me “ that he didn’t know we were together and when I told him he was shocked” 
    Like… it’s absolutely infuriating, his friend thinks he is an idiot. 

    The conversation we had about that  was like me talking to a literal tolder. 

    Other than that something that I pretended I didn’t hear on the table, was when my bf complained about something and this dude said “ well at least you *** (have sex)…” ???????

    What am I supposed to do

  3. I hate when im not satisfied with something ive put effort into and i simply complain out of desperation like "oof i did bad at this  " always based on my own expectations ,and my own personal goals.
    And theres always someone who proceeds to say something like " if you feel like you have did bad  think how much worse i feel because my performance is considered poorer than yours" .Theres a specific phrase in my native language that ive been told at this circumstance theres not a similar phrase in english i can think of right now . Anyway it makes me so angry !!because i am now talking about me !! And who knows?? Maybe i tried harder than you and im allowed to feel upset about it...that discourages me from opening up to people about my insecurities and daily concerns.

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