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Everything posted by Westsidechic80

  1. I started a remote work from home job , love the fact that’s it’s working from home , the benefits are great and amazing ,but I have the manager from hell - if he gives me a task , literally 30 minutes later he’s asking me if I’m done yet - if I’m one minute late logging into a meeting he is messaging me asking me if my whereabouts - if he’s training me on a task , I’ll give my input and ask him if I can do it another way , he will shoot it down and tell me do it his way -if someone asks me a question, not business related , but a personal question he corrects me . All the time he has actually done this to me a few times - will correct how many spaces I put between paragraphs or if I miss a comma - corrected or reprimanded me for using a reply all . He asked me to enter in a car allowance for an employee I hit replied all and just asked him specifically how much is the car allowance and he replied back to me don’t click reply all if you are asking me a question personally - always asking when I’m taking lunch . I don’t control whether I can take lunch at a certain time ( this isn’t a big deal ) -his boss - the SVP is always mentioning me in meetings and asking for my feedback , I think he got upset about this - I accidentally misspelled a word : please , except I left off the e , he actually sends me an email to say “we need to work on your grammar “ and other things 😩 am I being too sensitive ? Should I quit ? I’ve only been with the company for two weeks ! What should I do ?
  2. I married him because I thought we could grow together . When we first discussed getting married , he told me he would be there for me in all the ways a wife needs from her husband but now I just feel like it was just a bunch of BS. He just got too many issues I’m not prepared to deal with . And he refuses to get help
  3. I agree I think there is some mental issues at play . I ve told him repeatedly to go and talk to someone . We have medical insurance and is covered though my employer but refuses to go . He thinks his behavior is normal .
  4. I ve asked him several times if he pays child support . His response is always “don’t ask any questions puss “
  5. I’ve asked him if he pay child support . His response is “don’t ask any questions “ my understanding he doesn’t have a relationship with his children . Not sure the reason ,
  6. I have been with my husband for about a year now . We met online November 2020. When we met, he lived in a office space , worked part time as a IT tech , and seemed to be someone at least I thought had potential . We talked about finances , the agreement was that he would get a better job and we would split the bills 50/50 . So we got married March 2021 . As soon as we got married , he applied for a rideshare driver job driving for UBER and Lyft . He makes pretty decent money . He sometimes make up to 1500.00 per week .yet I’m still paying for all the groceries , car note , and car insurance . The only bill we split is the rent . So I took on a second job to keep up with the bills , and to save up to try to buy a home for the both of us. Since I have taken on a second job , his work hours has significantly reduced . He now works about 3-6 hours a day . I asked him why has he chosen to not work as much , his response is “don’t supervise him “. Then yesterday , he told me this lifestyle is too “extravagant “ and how he feels housing is a waste of money , he prefers to living in his car or in a motel . Just to give you a little background , we currently stay in an airbnb which costs around 2200.00 every month , but it’s all inclusive , electric , Internet , Gas , so we split the monthly costs of 1100.00 each . On top of the financial issues , there are concerns with trust . He will not introduce me to his children or his immediate family . He has three children whom live on the west coast . They are all around 16,18 and 15. Because I quote on quote do not “obey “ his every word according to him . If I forget to do something , he docks me and holds it against me as I’m not being a good wife . When I bring up his children , or ask him if I could as simple ask to see pictures of his kids , the answer is always NO , you just obey first. Same with his family . I have yet to meet or even talk to his family . I ve asked several times , when he will he introduce me to his family or at least talk to them . I get the same response . You have to “obey “ before you meet my family . Come to think of it , he actually has told me he doesn’t like his family at all , and doesn’t have anything to do with them at all , so I guess that is the reason he hasn’t introduced me to them I guess . On top of all of this , come to find out, while guy was doing UBER driving my car , this guy has the audacity to be exchanging numbers with other women and flirting with them . Now his thing was that he was exchanging numbers because he was trying to start a business so it was Networking .I just ignored it . He doesn’t know that I know but I have screenshots of him flirting with a few women ,this happenned a few months ago . Plus when we are intimate lately , there is no foreplay or passion . When we went to Miami a few weeks ago , his response was “you must obey first “ before you can get that again . I also notice when we was in Miami , he talked about Cocaine a lot .He kept bringing it up . I flat out asked him “does he have cravings “ he responded no , but wish he had a kilo of Cocaine to just have so he can use from to time to time . Smh . He is a mess .I don’t know what to do . I have tired suggesting counseling for himself and to attend together . He refuses . Are these issues I should just ignore and try to just deal with . Or should I leave ?
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