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Everything posted by Renee6

  1. Question- husband of 14 years who rarely goes to strip clubs (one time I even went with) went to a strip club recently went with coworkers. He got a lap dance- however it went further than any lap dance he’s ever had before. He was touching/groping her all over, sucked on her breasts and their mouths grazed- no actual kiss. Is this cheating?? I feel like it is- this wasn’t her just dancing and grinding on him- he sucked on her tatas! this really feels wrong to me. my frustration is that we have worked very hard on our relationship from issues on the past regarding infidelity (both times it was him who cheated ) so I can’t help but feel like this is it! time for me to bounce but I don’t know if this is really cheating since it was a stripper and at a club. Need advice.
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