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Posts posted by cheryYou56

  1. 2 hours ago, Blue68 said:

    It depends how drunk they were. People can do really stupid things and not even remember the next day …. but it doesn’t sound like he was that drunk. 

    Regardless, he put you in an awkward (if not horrible) situation and that really isn’t on.  

    I don’t think he was that drunk but he does drink and start to act crazy but i wasn’t that upset until his friend added me on social media and started trying to talk to me

  2. 22 minutes ago, Blue68 said:

    …. Until he gets drunk again and tells him.

    He was drunk. He wasn’t thinking through what he was doing.  Nevertheless, it seems there’s something bubbling away under the surface. Unless you are both still on the same page with this situation, it  could get messy very quickly. 

    I don’t believe drunk people do things heir not understanding about


    My FWB and i have been sleeping with each other since July. 

    Today he FaceTimed me out of the blue. 

    He sounded drunk. And he started off by asking what was i doing and who was over my house. 

    Then he told me he missed me … which was weird to me

    He then told me that he sometimes finishes in me and that he knows he needs to stop but he can’t help self

    Then he told me he had a guy who he wanted to hook me up with. He sent me a picture of him and told me “he’s loyal and handsome”

    That’s when he FaceTimed the guy he sent me a picture of (while i was still on and we were in 3 way call)

    He starts by saying i want to introduce y’all to each other he then starts describing me “she’s beautiful, she has her own place and car, she’s nice,she works hard .. she just needs someone to spoil her. I’m trying to hook her up with someone good because i love her”

    TL:DR; what was the purpose of him trying to hook me up with someone else a random at that to me

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