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Everything posted by Auroracher

  1. Tl;dr my boyfriend of 2.5 years is always ‘too tired’ for sex and it’s making me feel like crap My boyfriend and I have only been together 2.5 years, we’re both 25. We used to have really great sex and very frequently in the beginning, as you usually do and of course that dwindled a bit but lately it’s been once every two to three weeks and it makes me feel really bad. I want to have sex more often and I have spoken to him about it but he gets defensive and I get a lot of, tbf, reasonable excuses coming back “I’m too tired.” “I’ve been working all day.” “I’ve been out the house for 12 hours”. I fully appreciate that he works hard, and I don’t work as many hours because of child care (child from previous relationship) but I just feel like we’re not having that connection and it sucks going from having a lot of sex to virtually nothing - and most of the time lately if we do have sex, it’s not good sex. I know I must sound like a whiny *** but surely he can make some time for us to be intimate? Whenever I approach him about it he acts as though it’s weird that I think sex is an important part of our relationship, and maybe I am weird but I don’t feel attractive or wanted. He gets into bed and will lay on his phone/game for hours but won’t have sex with me? Like tonight we had a date night, and I made the effort I like look nice and shave all my legs blah blah and gave like little hints and stuff that I wanted to and yes we got back later than expected but he gets into bed and goes on his phone and just ignores me so I turned over and sighed I guess and he as like “oh shut up I know you’re pissed off because you want to ***” like actually yeah I am? Sorry I know this probably seems stupid but it’s gettin me down and as I said whenever I try and say something he acts like all I ever think about is sex which isn’t true.
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