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Everything posted by Browneyes87

  1. Thanks for all your replies I will have a serious talk with my boyfriend about this. But as I said before, he already knows I don’t like this because I had talk to him. He stopped but then continued… Maybe someone else was giving the son a ride and that person also got tired of him. Who would put up with that? No offense but his son is extremely immature as a 24 year old. He sends me texts every weekend telling me: “can you ask my dad if he can pick me up after work?” Apparently BF and son have bad communication but that’s not my problem. I’m not his secretary. As a matter of fact, I told him last weekend to talk to his dad directly and the kid still doesn’t get it. He’s still texting and has no respect. I get it if it’s an emergency but over this??? If my boyfriend still doesn’t make his son grow up and become self sufficient should I leave him? Because they will always rely on my car since they don’t want to get their own
  2. Hi I forgot to mention that the son doesn’t even live with us, yet he expects his dad to be available on weekends to drive him. That’s also something else that bothers me. We have to interrupt whatever we’re doing because the kid can’t get around on his own. It’s ridiculous. i will just speak with the son because my boyfriend won’t listen and prefers to get manipulated by his son. But I have even thought if it’s worth staying in the relationship because it turns me off that my boyfriend is not a really good dad and he even gets mad sometimes when I don’t lend him the car and plays the victim
  3. Hi, I’m new here and I need some advice. I’ve been with my boyfriend for 3 years and we live together. When I met him, he didn’t had a car and I didn’t mind sharing my car with him. We live in a city with lots of transportation, so sometimes my boyfriend takes the bus or rides his bike. It’s not like you can’t live here without a car. The problem is that he has an adult son who doesn’t have a car either. He’s 24 years old and he calls my boyfriend to pick him up on weekends from his job and take him to his girlfriend’s house or to the gym. He only asks my boyfriend for rides on weekends because the car is not available during the week since me and my boyfriend use it to go to work. But this has been going on for almost 2 years that he keeps asking to be picked up. He seems lazy to get his own car or to ride a bus or Uber. He’s not disabled or anything, he’s just entitled. I’ve already told my boyfriend two times that his son is old enough to get to places on his own instead of calling dad to pick him up like he’s still in kindergarten. My boyfriend stopped asking to use my car for a while but then he continued to enable his son’s behavior. Since nothing has changed in such a long time, I don’t think my boyfriend will put a stop to this and I’m really starting to feel like they’re both taking advantage of my generosity. His son has NEVER offered me gas money and I pay for all the car expenses. My boyfriend is the one who offers money here and there. But it’s not necessary the money what bothers me. I’m upset that his son is not self sufficient and doesn’t change his ways. He’s content being that way. Would it be a bad idea if I talk to the son directly and tell him I cannot continue lending his dad my car for his rides??? I feel that my boyfriend is okay with his son being inconsiderate. As a matter of fact, my boyfriend also told me that someday he was going to get a car for himself (not his son) and in 3 years he hasn’t done anything. I don’t want to put up with two grown men that can’t get their *** together. I think helping my boyfriend is enough. I don’t want to have to deal with his son too. Would it look bad if I talk to the son directly since my boyfriend is not firm with him? Do you think it’s normal for a 24 year old to act like this?
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