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  1. See we’ve matched on tinder before a few times And talked but it would be brief, tbh I had to convince myself I was attracted to him. See with the kiss of Course I wanted to kiss him but I had a few sips of drink before I left to calm the nerves, when he leant in to kiss me he had his hand on the back of my head, I laughed and pulled away and apologised saying I was nervous, then he tried again and I pulled away because of nerves. The third time I kissed him back but I felt for the whole date he kept on trying to kiss me and I felt like he was just looking sex and not an intellectual meaning conversation. I did cling onto him too much which is embarrassing
  2. I just felt like it was very unclassy and very disrespectful, I’m not saying I want a massive expensive fancy date but somewhere dark, it really just implies he just wanted sex which annoys me because he had me fooled. Luckily I didn’t have sex or any sexual acts but I basically was used because he got the same end result as ejaculating? So I kind of feel used?
  3. It’s been four days and I don’t know why but I can’t stop thinking about it, I’ve tried to get it out of my head but I don’t know why I can’t. The whole thing really just upset me. Before we met I had told him about this exercise and diet routine I’ve had since the start of January and sometimes when I was hungry he would send pictures of thin celebrities eating pizza and ice cream basically saying that I can eat pizza too. I know that sounds silly but stuff like that made me think that he really is there for me and cares. Maybe I’m young and naive
  4. Yes you’re right!! I was with him for a duration of five hours, next time I’m going to arrange to meet in a public place to grab a coffee or something. I’m sorry if this is too much information but he was complimenting my breasts ( which I was wear a v line top where you could see a bit but I was never naked or had my top or bra off) which I found a bit creepy. He complimented my looks saying im pretty, cute and hot and that I had a cute laugh. I did like the compliments but now im thinking maybe that’s because he was trying to woo me to have sex. I’m overthinking that he didn’t have any attraction to me at all or maybe I sound silly.
  5. You’re right!! I need to put myself first and stop thinking do they like me or worrying if they like me, I need to worry if I like them and stop worrying what they think!!! I need to put myself first. I have these walls up where if s guy is acting shady or strange I just ignore him or don’t give him attention, I don’t go chasing after guys or texting and texting them annoying them. Sometimes it is my downfall that I overthink too fast but from everyones helpful advice I’ve realised he’s a jerk who was looking for one thing. I do need to stop thinking that I like someone because of texting them, anyone can have a good personality on the phone.
  6. I know!!! I think it’s because of the impression he gave me before meeting that he was a real gentleman and he wanted something serious and he would treat me right. I just thought he would be different and be a good man, I’ve had experiences with men where before I had been used for sex and it’s taught me to never have sex for a long time with the guy you’re seeing. I just feel sad that I get sexualised and never seen for someone to love.
  7. Thank you!!!! This was very helpful.bI think I’m just upset at how when we were texting we really seemed to click and we clicked so well on the date but I really thought he was going to be different as silly as that sounds. He was saying in text all these things about relationships and he was so kind and so thoughtful. I’m just upset that he tried to use me for sex but luckily I had my dignity and did not have sex or anytning sexual apart from kissing and touching his leg.
  8. I will never make the mistake of getting into the car again!!! Luckily he never assaulted me or did anything like that but I did feel slightly uncomfortable when he went in for a kiss and twice I pulled away and laughed, not thay I didn’t want to kiss him I did but i wanted to talk first.
  9. Hi, thank you for your very kind and helpful comment, I don’t think I did anything wrong by leaving him on read I just wasn’t sure of how he felt and by him being creepy on the date I think I should have deleted him more like! Would it be okay if you could please elaborate on why you think there was no fact in me saying to him that I didn’t think he liked me? Thank you!!
  10. Yes! Usually when a guy is being nice I have no problem showing interest as I don’t believe in playing games if a man is being respectful and kind, but If a man like this one did what he did I couldn’t express myself the way I wanted to in fear of being hurt. But now with everyone’s helpful advice I realise he’s nothing more than a weirdo!!!
  11. Yeah it was stupid of me to get into his car, I should have guessed by going to McDonald’s drive thru and dark places that it was a red flag, I’m just very happy I didn’t do anything sexually, only a slight bit of touching. I haven’t lost my dignity and didn’t give in although what was strange was that he kept on trying to kiss me a lot, the first two times I laughed and pulled away because I was nervous
  12. Hi, thanks so much I think it’s the right thing to do. What reasons are you saying that? Just to make me feel better about it haha
  13. So true!! thank you very much! I guess I’m just upset because I thought he really was decent and was very kind and wasn’t going to be very childish. I understand I should have maybe texted him back but I had a bad feeling. Im just happy I didn’t have sex or do anything I still have my pride, I worry incase he wasn’t attracted to me at all and was just saying tbem words?
  14. No problem! I know maybe I should have been upfront and asked him if he was interested but I didn’t want to come across as needy! Thank you very much for your opinion I greatly appreciate it. It’s just sad how a lot of guys are like this
  15. Thank you! I’m just very happy that I didn’t do anything sexually, by touching I meant touching his leg while kissing, I’m happy that I didn’t give into it. When he first tried to kiss me I laughed and pulled away because I was nervous and it happened second time but we did kiss a lot, all of them that he initiated. I didn’t like the fact that he kept driving to remote dark places either meaning he was looking one thing. It’s sad because I thought he was going to be different!
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