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Everything posted by Hcnarb

  1. Thank you for your feedback. I just sent him this message and I'm leaving it at that. ”I know you're probably mad at me, hate me and won't ever want to see or hear from me again but I want to apologize for my childish and unnecessary behavior this far. I hope you can forgive me and we can move past this with time. I consider you a real friend even though my actions have shown that I'm ***. I'm thankful for everything you've done and for being there for me. I really want to make things better and I promise to be mature and a great friend going forward if you allow me?”
  2. About a week ago I confessed my interest in a friend. Long story short, Prior to me confessing my feelings I was talking to him as someone else through a texting app to see how he really felt about the situation. He text me back on my own number and said he wasn't interested, he's moving soon and doesn't want to do long distance. I responded maturely and said okay no hard feelings. However my *** goes back to the texting app and ask him what would he do if a friend showed interest but you didn't feel the same. In that moment he text me and ask if this person has anything to do with me ”lol” (idk what's funny). I played dumb and denied til I died. He then said ”lol nothing”. I said what are you talking about. 7 minutes later he said taking things too far, over it. I played dumb again. Fast forward to yesterday, a week since the incident, I checked in and said told him I hope he enjoyed his trip and had safe travels over the weekend. And no response. I ***ed up and I miss my friend and want to make things right before he leaves. Sidenote: the whole weekend he's been looking at my snap chat story and never deleted me so I figured he's not that mad? Idk if this tidbit of information matters.
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