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John E

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Everything posted by John E

  1. Thanks everyone- I appreciate all the feedback. I think my main problem has been that I have been putting all my effort into internet dating but I know I need to extend my sights on other opportunities. Also don't worry I am a far more positive post than that sounded 🙂
  2. Yes maybe- or I am involved in some political groups- had to find time though on top of a full time job
  3. I get your point - Ive recently finished a part time masters on top of my full time job (I work in Public policy) so have not had much spare time beyond that. The social groups are through meetup- not specific to an activity. Completely agree with you about internet dating- will only be an introduction until you meet in person Food for thought - thankyou 🙂
  4. Hey, thanks for the words I don't tend to have hobbies as such but I love things like music, going to the movies and I want to travel more. As I said too, I am trying to meet people through social groups etc. I guess its more about how people will perceive me. Due to my speech being a bit different, some people may assume things about me without getting to know me. That is why I thought internet dating could be good for me- talk to someone first over the net and then if there is a connection, meet in person with a chance to explain before hand. But 99% of the time I just get blocked or ghosted.
  5. Hey- thoughts welcome Basically, I am 31 and sick of feeling like nothing will change. I have never had any form of romantic relationship before (not even a kiss) and am scared that I will never will. Having a mild speech impediment and other minor disabilities, have always had a thing about being different and not accepted but I do have confidence in who I am as a person and in many ways, things are going well for me. Ironically I think I would make a good partner because I like to think I have a good degree of emotional intelligence and resilience. I am also confident at speaking to people (including girls), and people say I have a good personality. I have been in dating sites for a few years now (including paid for ones) and apart from a few acceptations, just get blanked or blocked. I know its a superficial game and someone would not go for me based on looks but its so hard not to feel it proves that girls are not attracted to me in a romantic way. I also try to meet people in real life by going to social events etc but everyone I like is with someone. I think its just since I have hit 30, I worry that even if someone was potentially interested in me, since I don't have relationship 'experience', this would count against me. I know there are things which I need to do to improve myself and I plan to get healthier and fitter in 2022 but it feels like no matter how hard I try it will never happen for me. John
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