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Posts posted by scottfromoz

  1. i am in a similiar situation not at the stage of going to the movies or dinner but yeah i broke up she considered it then said no, she couldnt at the time, anyway my point

    go to the movies or hang out if you are sitting here wondering what to do a part of you really wants to do it. Dont go expecting it to change anything but go try be friends see how it goes it may hurt like hell but you dont want to sit around your whole life going what if i had of done this...

    anyway im currently doing the same trying to get back a friendship and who knows from there, no contact although helped me a bit and was necessary to let things cool down at the start it was making things worse in the end, so yeah theres my 2c of advice

  2. cheers, thats the way i see it too, ill ask her for coffee if she denies it i give up.


    problem is today ive been contemplating messaging her friend, who has been pretty helpful over the past weeks, considering askking her what the situation is whether or not last night at the pub was a good indication of where its going and that im dreaming if i even think she might want to be friends, but i dont think this is a good idea id probably only be doing it to get a reassuring answer or something stupid like that.


    heres another question, is there any point in writing a letter explaining my stupididty of late and just laying out everything on the line, or is it pointless since ive already probably told her and she wouldnt want to hear it again, even though a letter i feel holds a lot more meaning than asnything else

  3. short background, broke up with my girlfriend about 2 months ago now wed been toether about a year, lots of ups and downs but id like ot say more ups. anyway, we had a fight 2 months ago i broke it off in anger, and realised a week later how big a mistake it was


    i tried so hard to get her back for the first 3-4 weeks wed speak on the phone about once a week, id call and do a lot of talking, the first call i made she didnt know what she wanted said she needed time and space to think, then for some stupid reason everytime after id call id bring up the same questions, pushing her further and further away.


    anyway about 3 weeks ago i think i really blew it saw her out and did the same S*** brought up the questions about getting back and she was really angry, i talked to her friend 2 weeks later and asked if she (ex) was considering it still and the response was "its at the back of her mind"

    since then ive seen her twice out and smiled waved and kept going got a smile back but thats it. last night at the pub she was there and we didnt make eye contact but she knew i was there and didnt come up and eventually left before i went over.


    now after all this i guess the question im asking is have i been doing the right thing giving her space now or is it a lost cause?


    at the moment what i am planning on doing is giving it a few weeks calling her up and asking her for coffee at lunch time (as we both work in sydney) just to catch up and see what the situation is. if this happens id talk about anything but the relationship.


    is going for coffee a goo d idea, my thoughts are its not too bad since, its casual, there is a time limit set on it cause we would both have to go back t o work at some stage, so thereforeeee theree wont be the awkwardness of trying to leave etc.


    anyway i know its long but if anyone can give me some advice it would be grealty appreciateed cause im so lost now

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