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Posts posted by DownTrodden

  1. Hi, im a first time poster...long time lurker though.


    I have been dating my girlfriend for quite a while now and I am very happy with our relationship. It is by far the strongest relationship I have ever been in. But, I have a quite a problem with jealousy. I find that I can barely handle her talking to one of her male friends on the phone!



    Now, I have been hurt rather badly in the past in terms of being cheated on, but I dont think thats a good reason or excuse for how I act. I know how i act bothers her, but not becaseu shes shared with me, but because i can tell.


    See, shes not very open with how she feels and I have a vey hard time finding out whats going on. So, this obviously, doesnt help my jealousy problem in the fact that I dont like not knowing whats going on. Im not bossy or controlling, really, im not. I just....I dont want to lose her. Shes the best person i have ever met and I am ready and willing to commit for a very long time with her. (see: forever) Its just that if shes not open with me about the small things, how can she possibly be open with me about the big things?


    Any advice on how to handle how i feel and how to counteract how she responds/acts would be greatly appreciated. Id personally like it from both perspectives...meaning, if youve been jealous in the past please explain how you helped yourself.


    And if youve been rather reclusive with hwo you feel to you bf/gf...(prefferably, to your bf) please explain why and how you/he/she might have helped you throguh it.




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