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Posts posted by Mikeharvey92

  1. Would you rather have a woman that's fun, like's to party all night, comes over late nights for sex but is also entertaining other men?

    Would you rather have a woman that is very impatient and calls and texts excessively when you ignore her calls?

    They are both really nice.  The impatient woman is cool, nice and funny most of the time but on the days that i reject or am too busy to take her calls she gets impatient and goes crazy.  She got really upset because after a great date with my family I told her she couldn't spend the night and that she had to go home.  Her feelings were hurt and she said never has a man treated her so cold.

    The woman that party's is fun and doesn't mind that we don't go out on real dates.  We just hang out at the party but she's busy most of the time.

    Which poison would you rather have?





  2. I had been dating this woman for a little over a month that was super impatient. She would freak out completely whenever I cancelled our dates. She'd become really upset and impatient. Over the weekend she did a meal prep for me and cooked a lot of food. She seemed a little upset that I wasn't available to get it. I told her that she could come over after 10pm and bring it and she refused. She said she didn't want to come over that late to avoid getting caught up in a bootycall. She said she'd bring the food in the morning. I agreed.

    I spoke with another woman I hookup with sometimes and she agreed to come over around 1am to hookup. She ended up staying the night. So when the other woman called me in the morning to see when she could bring the food I didn't answer her calls or respond to her text. A few hours after her first call and text she called me from a different number and I answered when I realized it was her I hung up. Now she was super pissed. She kept calling and texting and wouldn't stop. I didn't want to talk to her but she kept calling. Was I at fault here? I blocked her number because I got tired of her calls and anxious messages.

    Should I apologize or should I leave her blocked?

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