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Everything posted by zee89

  1. Just to be clear, this is what I told him the last time and a few days later he begged me to take him back, so it didn't seem like he wanted out by this behavior.
  2. Me and my boyfriend are long distance and the last time we had a big argument he disappeared for days. It all started with me saying how I feel I needed more from our relationship because I don't feel like my needs are met. We are long distance and I feel like he only really fits me in when it suits him. He has a 2 week on one week off work schedule and the last time he came home and I brought up how I felt I needed more cos we don't really call much and spend time doing things remotely, he basically said he was dealing with depression and needed time to himself. He never has mentioned depression before in our relationship so I was a bit surprised as this came out of nowhere, but he said he wanted to spend time watching movies with me remotely and just needed to "Get his head right for a day." When I told him I wasn't sure we were on the same page and maybe we shouldn't pursue our relationship he deleted social media and disappeared for 3 days. The day he came back was the day he was going back to work which I found a bit strange because I didn't think he would want such a serious convo the day he went back to work, especially when he had a week off to spend time with me and talk. He apologized saying I did nothing wrong and he doesn't want me to doubt myself and he was just depressed and has a hard time expressing himself and was sad because he thought I ended it and he was just sulking basically and begged for another chance. He said he realized being long distance we needed more communication and he needed to make more effort to do that long distance. I believed maybe as he has only had one real relationship before that maybe it was just inexperience and could be worked on and gave him another chance. Things were fine and then a few days ago he gets home for his week off. He went to lunch with his friend and text a bit during the day but he still didn't suggest a phone call or anything and seems to be sleeping a lot. I am not saying he is lying to me, but he never used to sleep this much before. He then promised the next day would be our day and we could chat, but at this point I just felt like the same thing was happening again and I didn't feel a priority. I told him all of this and said how I wonder if there was someone else because of how he is acting and he said he isn't having this conversation again and after I expressed how I still felt the communication was lacking and he wasn't making me a priority he read the messages and hasn't been online since, nor reached out in any way or been on other social media. I feel an idiot. I honestly thought he had learned his lesson and wouldn't do this again and the disappearing is so frustrating because we can't have a conversation about it because he won't get online, let alone read other messages I have sent. What do you think the best way to proceed is? I do worry about his mental health too when he disappears like this and I have reached out on a few platforms with no reply for a day.
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