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Everything posted by 12071993

  1. Part of me wants to cut her off but the other part wants me to contact her back to really just lay it all out. Basically flat out tell her that I am noticing the things she's doing. I know there will be some people that will say, it wont do anything or she wont listen. But idk. Ive always given her the benefit of the doubt of her being busy but last night after confirming the evening of and getting stood up with no heads up, then texting me like nothing happened and telling me you went out instead... definitely got under my skin and i think it would for anyone.
  2. No she lives by herself from what i know.
  3. You're making too much sense... >.< You're right though.
  4. Unfortunately no, but the topic has come up through out our conversations previously.
  5. Yeah, i had one buddy tell me the same thing. She's mentioned that shes even talked to her family about me which confuses me as to how shes treating all this. I understand that she could just be saying it but what would the point of that be?
  6. Back story: I met this girl a couple months back, but she fell off the face of the planet, until recently, she decided to message me on social media. Fast forward -> We've been talking for a few weeks now. When we started, she was out of town and came home a few days ago. We tried to make plans to go on a date but she got sick and has been recovering from it which post-pone our latest arrangement. No problem, I understand. But through out this time we would spend hours on the phone talking about anything and everything under the moon. From the time I got off my first job 3pm to 4am. This was a continuous thing, and to me this at least told me she was interested. But recently, we made plans for me to come over to her place after my second job. I called her that afternoon to confirm, and attempting to retrieve her address. She at least confirmed that she wanted me to come over. (GREAT!).. well during my second job i attempted to reach out to her to get that information - called her at 8pm - no response. (okay no problem)... called her at 9pm - no response (mmm okay...) , now 10pm rolls around which is the time I clock out, i call her one more time to try to get get the information. nothing... no texts, no call backs or anything. Now im disappointed, no heads up or anything. I decided to go out with a few buddies instead, try to get out of the house. While im at the bar, nearing 1:30am she tries to call me... i decide not to pick up. Im drunk and frustrated, and it wouldnt be good to talk to her like that. She then proceeds to text me " i know its late, but can i come over and sleep with you?" - then follow up text "Im on my way home, but can i come by you instead" --- now im irritated. First off no apology. Secondly, where did she go? when we already had plans, she decided to go out instead - possibly with some other guy (most likely)? I responded back saying i was with some friends right now. her response was "i didnt know, thought you were at home. my bad handsome." By this point im over it. Im a couple beers in and just having mixed emotions. I decided to try to give her a call on my way home (roughly 1:50am), I get home around 2:15am and immediately crash. I woke up 2 hours later to find out that she tried calling me back around 2:20pm. ----- now we are here. I havent texted her Good morning like ive always done and not sure how to properly go about this situation. I have buddies all giving me different advice. Playing the chess game, ignoring her, play hard to get back now. She stood me up and does seem to realize she messed up. Then I have others telling me, to just take it easy. Call her and lay it out. That I didnt appreciate being stood up, and im not here to play the whole cat and mouse chasing game. Either she wants to see me or not, but she cant be undecisive and let me paint a fool out of myself. I genuinely care about her and definitely would be interested in pursuing something with her. I have always been a huge communicator. I can be honest to a fault. But id rather have some one know exactly how i am feeling and hopefully get them to understand the situation instead of playing games. I try to fix things and make it work and ignoring just isnt in my nature. I would really like some honest thoughts about my current situation on how to properly approach her again or do I really need to just wait for her to make the next move? Remember she reached back out to me after ghosting me a few months back. (i know maybe i shouldnt have allowed it but, she does own her own business and i can understand she can be busy at times.) I need help.
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