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Bailey Star

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Posts posted by Bailey Star

  1. I hate being sad over such a dumb situation and I feel like a girl off of some dumb lifetime movie but I just can't help it. I really miss my boyfriend more than anything. We have been broken up for a little over 2 weeks and I can't stand it. He broke up with me the day I got back from vacation. He tells me he still likes me but that he doesn't feel as though it's the right time for a relationship in his life....I am still in high school and he is in his first year of college and we are about 3 years apart in age. I hate the fact that he is such a good guy I can't fins anything wrong with him to dislike him over. I really like him so much. He told me the day he broke up that he didnt rule out getting back together maybe in the summer or something. I don't know... I just need some help guys. I dunno what to do. I miss him so much...

  2. Alrite...here goes....me and my exboyfriend were perfect together. We are a lot the same and different too...we complimented each other. Ok so we didn't go out for a long time or anything but I really like him a lot. The reason he broke up with me was because he didnt feel like it was the right time in his life for a girlfriend. But he constantly...well not constantly but has told me at least 4 times in 3 weeks he still likes me or misses me but still feels the same way about a relationship. We are really good friends...he is at my house at least twice a week or more usually...and he still kinda flurts with me. So do you guys think we are over? Because I like him so much, so I mean, I am just curiouse what people's opinions are.

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