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Posts posted by THE DoCtAh

  1. So, homecoming will be coming up near the end of october, early november, and I don't have a date. I'm not shy when it comes to women, but this situation is a little different.


    The girl i want to ask is a friend of mine, and I think we're both ok with each other, as far as being comfortable, except in one area. She knew that I liked her a while back, and I think that could make her act a little uncomfortable when she's around me, but only on certain occasions. For example, she came to this bowling thing for a club at my school, and I was the only one there that she knew, but she seemed to be having fun, and to be ok with me. But then a couple days ago, I was talking to her in the hallway, and she seemed distant, and sort of treated me like a casual acquintance, if that. Can anyone tell me if this is normal, because she is the only girl that ever seems to act like this. Is it me, or am I reading too much into this?


    The reason why I'm asking, is that I don't know how to ask this girl to homecoming. Some how, "Do you want to go to omecoming with me" just doesn't seem right. My idea was to ask her and some of our friends to go to a park, maybe play some catch, or something, and I'd ask her there. But how do I ask her? What do I say?

  2. I have a question for the women with the drunk fetish,




    He lost his job because of his drinking, that should be a BIG clue to what he'd be like in a relationship!


    And furthermore, why do you feel sorry for him if he lost his job because he was drunk? It's no one else's fault but his own!


    I hate to sound pushy, or cruel, or whatever else you want to call it, but you have to take some time out and think about why you like him. And, if you still like him, even though he drinks enough to kill a horse, then there is no hope for you.

  3. The "wait at least a day before calling" thing only applies to when a guy calls a girl.


    Lucky for you, there really is no rule for women on this, at least not from what I've seen. Generally, most guys wouldn't have a problem with the girl calling, they would probably be delighted! And the guys that would find something wrong in that, are jerks anyway, and don't deserve you.

  4. Before you go on a date, find pretty women, and talk to them. Not with the idea of getting to know them more, just to get used to talking to women. It can be about anything, the weather, if they saw how bad the tigers are doing, what they think the meaning of life is, etc... Don't flirt though, that would be bad, considering you already have a date with a girl I assume you like a lot. The point is to get used to talking in weird situations to women.


    Hope it goes well!

  5. I love mythbusters!


    And I was surprised, because we did the salt thing in chemistry class earlier (we didn't use beer though )


    Anyway, back to the topic.


    It usually works the other way around, at least from what I've seen.


    If a girl is into you, she will have one of her friends talk to you, and get to know you. If she comes up and talks to you, she really gutsy, and you should probably get her number

  6. A piece of advice,


    Most guys (except the ones who like living in a world of fantasy) won't like it if you date them again when you don't feel anything for them. Because if you don't like him romantically, and you agree to a second date, he's going to think you do like him (and he has good reason). If you do this, you're toying with the guy's feelings, and that can turn a lot of guys away from ever wanting to even be your friend. No matter how much you think the truth could hurt him, going on a second date like that will hurt him more.


    As for how to tell him, explain to him that you just don't feel for him romantically, but you think he's a cool guy nonetheless.

  7. Hello.


    I'm on a high school cross country team, and I've heard from almost everyone that cross country and distance runners end up having little upper body strength/ muscle mass.


    I don't have much experience in weight training, I use free weights once and a while, but I don't have much of a schedule for it, it's more like whenever I feel like it.


    My question is, how can I still build some muscle mass, while staying a distance runner? Is there anything special I should eat, and when should I eat it (not including supplements)? And any other general advice on working out like this would be much appreciated.



  8. why would she fill my head full of hope and then run off with some other guy??


    There's a word for girls like this, but I'm not allowed to type it on this forum.


    Everyone can just use their imaginations

  9. Shysoul, relationships do take a little give and take, not everyone has everything in common. Although, if I could find a girl that liked watching House M.D., played paintball, and liked reading classic books, that would be heaven.


    Shysoul, it's not that I don't want to dance, I just don't know how, and wouldn't like to make a fool of myself infront of a girl. It's not that I think she'll stop talking to me once she finds out I can't dance, I'd just like to surprise her by taking her out to a place to do something she likes to do. And yes, I would hold her in a romantic way, but let's see how this goes first.

  10. Thanks for all the advice, and my initial plan WAS to ask her how to teach me todance, but I thought against it, because she's been my friend for a while, and I think she is the type of girl that would be more impressed if I knew how to dance right from the start.


    oh, and Keep the advice coming if you've got it!

  11. A girl I am interested in was hinting to me that she likes to dance (like club dancing, to hip-hop or rap, or rock) This is a problem for me. I don't know how to dance like that at all. And, since I already have little time for anything else, I can't sign up for a class or anything.



    Can anyone give me some advice on wht to do? I've thought a bit about just watching some guy dance at a club, and then copying him, but I'd like something more than that. I don't want to act like a "wall flower" around this girl. I'm not looking to be the best dancer there, just something so that i don't don't stand there. Any suggestions on how to learn to dance (club, rap - hip hop, or rock dancing)as soon and quickly as possible would be great!

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