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Posts posted by smurfette77

  1. I just went through this exact situation. There was no love between my ex and I. We got pregnant and married young. Eventually our jobs and no money tore us apart. I found someone who is my soulmate and gives me everything that my ex couldnt. The point is the day HE left ME, I found out that he indeed was ALSO cheating and felt the exact same way as I did. So maybe you need to do a little detective work, maybe your case is not the same as mine but it sounds to me to be very close. Also, dont drag your wife around like this, if shes the way i was she'd probably rather know than not. Besides if the tables were turned what would you want her to do? Be miserable like you and cheating behind your back or just tell you that its over? Really think about that. good luck! Remember, if its meant to be it will work itself out in the dend

  2. Do not let this get you bent out of shape. Love is a crazy thing and its screwing with your mind right now. You are going to have to stop obsessing about this and realize that its probably not going to happen as quickly as you hope. So now all you do is just sit back and wait for her to approach you. If you mean anything to her in even the least bit, she will wonder what you've been up to and maybe then you can rekindle the relationship. Just make sure that you let her move first otherwise you will look desperate and needy to her, that will just make her push you farther away. Good Luck!

  3. Girl, he totally wants you AND the other girl. If you want him back, watch him or have a friend watch him to see if he takes her out or plays the town. Whatever you do DO NOT let your guard down. I dont care how sweet he acts, hes still a man

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