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Posts posted by anon987654321

  1. 19 minutes ago, Batya33 said:

    but if you're in a situation where people are mingling of course you should start conversations.  That's not dating.  It's just socializing. 

    You are so right! I actually haven't thought about it that way. Thank you! And cute story ^^

  2. 22 minutes ago, lostandhurt said:

      Is there a guy you have in mind you would like to meet or talk to?

    Yes. Thank you for answering!

    I keep seeing this guy at church every week lately, and he's always alone, and I keep thinking about him and wanting to go talk to him, but I think I've been too shy. Hopefully next time I'll have the guts to go for it XD

  3. 4 minutes ago, lostandhurt said:

      Meeting people with the same interests is always easier because there is a built in ice breaker right?  The trick is find something to ask or say to the guy.  If he is interested in you and single he will carry on the convo.

    Haha, thank you so much for your reply! This gave me such a confidence boost, I think I'll actually just go for it the next time I have the chance. Peace

  4. Thank you for answering! XD funny enough, I am into video games aswell, and I have a lot of online friends, part of which I have lately met in real life too. I am also sometimes going to parties and stuff, but then again, I am a bit socially awkward, so I don't know if it's ok for me to start talking to random strangers.

    5 minutes ago, beatlesfan77 said:

    What you have tried so far outside of the online dating?


  5. Can someone please tell me how can I meet new people (for dating)? Other than dating apps, because I tried tinder and decided to take a break from it.

    Also, I often find myself wanting to talk to guys that I find attractive, in real life, but I quickly repress myself because I feel like approaching a stranger on the street (or in public) and just starting to talk to them lowkey feels like harassment lol, and is kind of weird. Plus, I'm a shy girl and besides me probably being super awkward in such an imaginary situation, I also have this (mis)conception the the guy should always make the first step. And I think that if I would finally have the guts to talk to a stranger that I like and he would turn me down, then my self esteem would drop massively. 

    But I really wanna meet new people. Any suggestions how?

  6. I guess it is understandable why you feel like that since people are pressuring you. But you always have to stay true to yourself and remember yourself that you are the only one that can and should choose how your love life should look like. If you feel fulfilled on your own it is ok and it is no one's business but yourselves. You shouldn't let others treat you with pity just because you are single and soon to be 30, because that is perfectly normal as long as it is what you truly want. If they respect you they will stop trying to change you in any way and accept you for who you are.

    Stop comparing yourself to other people that have other needs and other wished than you do. You are equally as normal as they are.

    On the other hand, if you start to feel lonely and feel the need of affection from someone else, you should also accept this idea and not push it away just because this is how you've been so far, because people change and maybe something changed in you aswell, along the line.

    If you are absolutely sure that being single is for you than be single and careless of what others are saying.

    • Thanks 1
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