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Posts posted by boozybunny83

  1. Started talking to a guy on an app. He was complimenting me on the app saying I seem like the ideal woman and worth any man’s time, saying I’m cultured, deep, beautiful and have a lot going for me. He said he felt lucky to have found me, but also would say he’s picky and wants a woman with values etc. He said his last relationship ended 2 months ago and it was toxic and she cheated. He was sending me lovey-dovey emojis 🥰😍😘 and it all seemed like a bit much for a stranger. But I went on a date with him anyway and he was complimenting me every 10 mins. He got a little tinyyyy bit touchy and asked to kiss me so we did. He also attempted to touch my leg but I think he then decided it didn’t look like I wanted that. After the date, he kept saying he wants to focus on us, get off the app, was talking future plans like Halloween… and saying we could eventually do a trip to another state at some point. I got overwhelmed and freaked by the fast pace behavior and told him it made me uncomfortable and seemed too forward and we only had one short date. He apologized and said he could take it slow and would prefer it. But he said he had been used to fast pace because of his ex and other women wanting fast pace. 

    I wanted to like him but after reading his apology response, I decided maybe I was spooked and needed some time to think so I ignored his messages for the rest of that day- he sent a few. I planned to respond to him the next day in the late afternoon but he beat me to it by sending a selfie of his face while at work and asking about my day. The selfie had his one arm up under his chin as if he was showing off his watch perhaps. It’s kind of like a GQ pose… I thought it was odd to send a selfie when I had been silent and ignoring him. For some reason, I felt turned off by that. So I didn’t respond and later that night I received another message where he said he genuinely apologizes for going too fast😞, he’d like to take it slow, but he’ll give me some space and hopes we can go out for dinner sometime again.💙

    I still ignored him because at this point I wanted to like him but …I have fears because I had been with a narcissist mentally abusive man in the past. So we didn’t speak for about 4 days and that made me feel like reaching out to him but he beat me to it again lol. And he sent me another face selfie where he’s sitting on a couch laying back with his head rested on his arm which is bent behind his head. Not sure if he was trying to show off his arm muscle there. He wrote shameless selfie incoming lol…if you feel free to talk hit me back. I can move slow for things to grow. I hope you have not given up on the prospect of us and that he would like to get together and he’s free these days.

    I liked him/I wanted to like him but this behavior has me wary and confused. So, my question is, what do you think is up with the selfies? Could this be a nice guy or what?… Is your opinion to give him another chance or no? 

    I want to add that I’ve never sent him a selfie and before I confronted him about his fast behavior, he had also sent me a selfie with a 😘 2 days after our date and said he wanted to snap something fast to let me know he was thinking of me. 

  2. I’m talking to a guy and he is an EMT and volunteer firefighter. He is also a veteran. To be honest, I’m trying to find a man with a pretty good paying job because I live in the most expensive state and I’d like to get married and buy a house in the next few years. I know EMT’s make very low hourly pay. I made more than an EMT even as a cashier. So my question is…do volunteer firefighters make any money? 

    He seems to devote a lot of his time to be a volunteer firefighter…I think that’s wonderful but does this make him any money…? Because if not, I wonder why  he isn’t trying to be more ambitious to find better work with higher pay on his time off.  I feel like EMT work is not something someone can survive on or take care of a family? 

    I’ve managed to get a great job and also had lots of job opportunities for higher paying salaries with my only prior experience being a cashier.

    Unfortunately money is important and plays a factor in looking for a spouse for me. Also whether a man is more ambitious to make more money… In the past, men overlooked me because I was only a cashier and they had higher paying jobs and wanted a woman of similar caliber. Now here I am, having similar worries and thinking I should move on from this guy. 

  3. I somehow accidentally applied to a job that isn’t a remote job. I’ve been looking for remote jobs OR part time jobs that I would physically go to. The reason for this is that I feel it would be easier on me with any covid fears I might have... If I go to a job physically for part time work then I feel a little better about that instead of being at a job full time among people. 

    I’ve been home for the last year but I do venture out to some restaurants and do some things lol. But I haven’t been at a full time job in over a year now. My background is really just waitressing. 

    Well, this job that I accidentally applied to has actually contacted me to do a phone interview. I don’t know if I would want this job…considering that my desire is for remote work or otherwise part time work if I have to go physically to a job.

    I can’t decide what to do because of some reasons:

    a) if i go through the interview process, it would be nice to gain the experience with being interviewed as I have not done many interviews in my life and my background is very limited to waitressing. 

    b) on the other hand if I do the interview process and actually get the job….. I feel I’d have a very hard time turning it down because the salary is great and has all the health and 401k benefits so I would most likely take the job even though I would rather have a remote job or a part time job…

    So I don’t know if I should just not even do the interview so I don’t end up putting myself in that type of position…. 

    Or if I should do it. I must admit that I sometimes worry that I’ll have trouble getting a decent paying job in the future because my past experience is mainly in waitressing.

    I know this is an odd thing to ask because I guess someone might say to do the interview for the experience and then turn it down if I actually get offered the job and don’t end up wanting to do it. But for me it would be extremely difficult to decline because it’s a tempting salary and benefits so if I do the phone interview, to me it feels like I’m committing to this full on and can’t back out whatever happens. If the reality of actually being chosen for the job happened, I would feel like there’s no way I could turn it down whereas right now, I can turn down the phone call and feel less regretful about it because I can talk myself into the idea that they probably wouldn’t have chosen me anyway. I hope that makes sense. 

    I know you all can’t help me make this decision cause I have to make it on my own but I’d love opinions and insight.

  4. 14 minutes ago, yellowhibiscus said:

    If he said he would get back to you later and didn't- it could be that he lost interest, changed his mind,  or just isn't good at communicating? I wouldn't put too much weight into it. It's probably nothing you did or didn't do. Online dating is tough and I've found that more often than not conversation just fizzles out after awhile and people just don't know how to say that they aren't interested anymore. You could always just write back to see if he is still on for tomorrow- no harm in doing that. 

    Well that would make sense if he hadn’t asked me out the same day literally a few hours before lol. I definitely think something made him change his mind. It has to be the coffee walking date idea. I haven’t heard from him at all and it’s now so late at night so I feel embarrassed to write him and then him not respond to me. I also don’t think I should accept a date anymore based off his behavior of not solidifying plans or writing me again? 

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  5. I was talking to a guy and we did two video calls because I said that would make me comfortable before meeting. Then he asked me out and I said yes and I added that I was thinking we could grab coffee and walk around (cause he knows I have some issues with covid). I don’t sit indoors during the winter too often. Like for example, I went out to an indoor restaurant recently for an event but I wore my mask most of the time except for when eating and drinking. So he knows about this and knows I have some fears during winter time of being indoors among lots of people. 

    My plan was to have a more normal date on the second date but wanted to have a social distanced date for the first meeting so I could see if we have any sparks. If we have sparks in person, I’d feel like taking more risks to sit indoors more often in order to date him. So, I thought getting coffee and walking around would be a good idea to be social distanced a bit. Although, I didn’t tell him that I would be fine with sitting indoors after the first meeting though….I didn’t think I had to. But now I wonder if he decided that dating me would be difficult because of my covid fears? 

    After I said the coffee/walking idea, his response was weird. He said he had something else in mind to do but ‘maybe’ we could do that. He said he’d get back to me later but didn’t. I decided not to respond to that text since he said he would try writing me later… I didn’t think that text warranted a response, but now I’m not sure if he was expecting me to write back something? And maybe since I didn’t write anything back, he took that as me not really wanting to go out with him?

    Now it’s been 24hrs since I’ve heard anything and our date was supposed to be tomorrow… it’s now late almost 10pm so clearly he isn’t reaching out about our date. I also noticed he changed his online dating profile pic and bio and I’m pretty sure he did that yesterday probably after asking me out or after I responded with my coffee idea. At least he hasn’t unmatched me yet which is also weird actually… I’m not sure what I did to make him pull away so damn much and what happened in his man brain? Any ideas? 

    Oh and to be clear, no he isn’t looking for hooks up or sex or anything like that. We talked at length about how he is looking for a serious relationship and wants to find the person he marries and has kids with. He also has been respectful and polite so I definitely don’t believe he was expecting sex and definitely don’t think that’s why he got weird…

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