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Posts posted by wishmaster28139

  1. Ok the first think you gotta relize is that love is a a chemical reaction that us humans were give to care for each other. The brain remembers those reations as pulses. The more that pulse occurs the more our brain remembers it and desires it. It's like an addictive drug. The more the brain gets the more it wants and the longer the affter effects last. Don't get me wrong, love is real, don't think of it as a chemical but it helps to know how it works. Anyways based on that principal if you loved your ex a lot then your naturally going to still desire her for a while. Personally myself, I think you sould give the second one the better chance. I believe that the purpose of life is to move over humps in life. Your ex still seems to care but hurt to much to show it by keeping in touch, butt if she seems to be talking to another guy it shows that she is interested in him to. Which could cause another breakup later on. I say if the second girl likes you as much as you like her then give her the first chance. Ex g/f are a stimulated response to the brain of something it had before and liked but no longer gets. So most likly you would end up better with the second girl. It's just my opinion, but I think it's the right one. These other guys like to give riddles but I'll give it to ya straight. Take the second one, cause she has done nothing wrong and theres no reason to punish her when your ex seems to be still confused.

  2. Thanks to the guys that replied to my message. I read them two times each to make sure I got the pointer you guys give. I really liked the part that "it might be the way I carry myself" cause ppl tell me that sometimes. but I think you guys might be misunderstanding me in some ways. The reason I bought all the things is because girls told me that that was what they wanted in a guy back in high school and besides the stuff I bought for myself too. Like the motorcycle, I love racing it and the Jeep, I love that car. It fits my lifestyle. So ya see the things I bought fit me as a person not just a girl picker upper. I don't talk much but I love to write so maybe I just need to learn to talk to more ppl. The girls up here at college don't know that I have that stuff. And I don't really chase girls around, I talk to them for a while then I ask them out on a dinner date or something. I see some guys going up to these girls in class saying stuff like "hey baby your fine lets go out" and the girls are like "oh my GOD yes." I can't bring myself to be like that. I wasn't raised that way. I respect women too much to degrade them like that, but they still seem to love it. I like to believe GOD has a plan for me and maybe he does and it doesn't include girls at the present time. I just miss the cuddling and having someone around that you can talk to about your feelings cause god knows you can't do that with a guy lol. For a few years I didn't give a crap bout girls but now I feel that age is hitting me and I need to be looking again. Don't think of me as one of those guys that stalk ppl cause I'm a normal guy that is focused on goals in his life, i just want someone to share it with that I love. Ya see I'm not focused on looks, I just want a girl that cares about her body and wants be be acomplised in life, funny would be a bonus. Most ppl think that I'm mean for looking for a girl that is under 140, with a good personality but that's what I like. Your suppose to find some you like right and not just someone you like talking right. Oh well, someday I will find the right one.

  3. OK, heres the deal. I have the hardest time finding dates infact i have only dated one girl my whole life. I,ve tried everything I can think of. My parents and friens can't even help me. Ppl always say that I am a great looking young man but girls seem to ignore me. I'm 6 foot tall and 160 pounds, i run, workout, watch what I way and get along with anyone. When I was 16 my parents put in a inground pool and a hot tub to help me meet more ppl. Girls at school were always going over to other guys pools so I though I'd tell some that I had a pool to see if I'd have some luck. Basically I was ignored and laughed at. At 17 girls liked the guys with jobs, so I got a job as a lifeguard during the summer figuring surly I'd meet a girl that way. I asked probally 4 or so out and got shot down all times. At 18 I finally got my first date and later she became my g/f. We dated two years and we got along great, great sex and all, then she dumped me for another guy suddenlly. So after a few months of tring to get her back she married the other guy so I promissed myself i'd never date her again. After highschool I went to the local community college for two years. I asked girls out there with no luck, so I bought a jeep wrangler to try to try to persuade them a little more, uh no luck, so I bought a roadbike and rode with my friends around where they picked up girls on there bikes, but not me even though my bike was better looking than any of thiers. My friends started tring to do some hook ups with no luck there either ofcourse. Later I gave up all together and decided to got Appalachian State University for a bachlers degree in computers. It's now my senior year in college and I've only dated and had sex with one girl my whole life. I got into drinking pretty bad for a couple of months my junior year and then relized that the girls are the ones missing out and not me. This semester I'm looking again. I consider myself a great guy. I get along with all ppl expecially girls but they never want to date me. They give me this weird look when I ask. I have no disabilities, scars, or anything wrong with me. I'm not overweight, I work out. I'm not a nerd or a jerk just an average person. I hate heights but I race roadbikes so I must not be a dweb. I snow ski, water ski, hike, camp, hunt, fish. It is so weird no one can figure it out. I'm quiet but thats my only problem. Some ppl say I'm to picky but I don't think so. Don't get me wrong, I do have girls that talk to me wanting to go out but they are like 150 pounds, unattractive, or to young. All I want in a girl is a good personallity, under 140 preferably 130 pounds, dresses stylish, looks decent (has a nice butt and legs, I don't care much bout big boobs), within four years of my age so 18 to 26 and doesn't sleep around alot. A month ago I started talking to a girl on the net and she said I'm so beautiful and I have a kid (I don't mind kids or anything) but we talked for a few weeks and she was real nice and I thought all right I finally got my mate and I asked for a picture. Great GOD ohmighty she had to weigh 210 pounds. So I had to tell her she was what I was looking for and I felt like shit for a long time. I am sorry but if I can't get aroused by my girlfriend then somethings wrong. I know some ppl are thinking oh he is so mean, and you shouldn't date by looks but by personallity. Well look you guys if I wanted a girl for a personallity I might as well be gay cause I ain't going to be any better off cause I still won't be able to get it up to have sex. Basically I feel like screaming and I just needed to get it out and for some other ppl to know how I feel. Girls are driving me nuts. And sometimes I feel like stoping one and saying what is so wrong with me that you girls won't date me. I love sex, I'm not going to lie, but if the girl wanted to wait then that's fine. I not jelious, mean, don't smoke or drink much. I think I'm the perfect guy as far as personallity goes, as far as looks go, I think I look decent and ppl tell me I'm good looking. i'm not one of those ppl who thinks I'm great and anygirl would be lucky to have me, I just don't know why any girls I like don't like me. Can one of you girls tell me what is going on in your heads plz.

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