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Posts posted by Prius

  1. I called her yesterday and we talked for 30 minutes. She told me to have lunch or dinner with her next week! She was open to watching a movie today or tomorrow with me... it's too bad her cellphone doesn't work too well because I've tried calling her twice (last night and just now)... I just hope she isn't ignoring me or something. I'll see how things go... thanks for the advice! I will take things slowly.

  2. Hi,


    Thanks for the advice! I was wondering if I could ask for a little more (it's a bit more complicated than what I said). The last class was yesterday. My hometown is like 3 hours away from my college (where I'm at now... but i'm finished with this semester on this coming monday). These two sisters live like 5-10 minutes away from where my home is. The one I like will be taking a summer course at home for one summer semester. Then in for the second summer session she will be taking physics 102 here at WVU. The thing is that I'll be taking both summer sessions at the college here at WVU. I will see her during that class... but should I even do anything before then? I'm concerned she'll think it's over with me or something... or get another guy in the meantime.


    I can pull off a really good move though. These two girls have a sister who is doing rotations in med school. A few weeks ago I found out that she did one set of rotations with my mom (who is a psychiatrist). I know that my mom can invite their family over for dinner.


    The thing is unless I call them or see them 'by accident' around the area... well I won't really see them.


    Man I really hope I can get a gf. It freaks me out sometimes. My physics 101 professor noticed that I wasn't doing any homework. I stopped doing homework in that class because I was stressed out from the first girl I asked out with the flower and note (the first post that I ever made to these forums dealt with that). She asked me about it and kept questioning me. I finally told her about the whole deal and she talked about her personal life for like 20 minutes. Then she was like I'm 40 and unmarried and her eyes became red. I felt sorry for her but at the same time I was really freaked out! Then she went on to say how she also had overprotective parents. That made me feel awful! It's like she was saying I would end up like her! She kept talking and eventually we were leaving. She asked me if I wanted to go this music festival at the student center . My excuse was that I had too much physics homework. Then she asked me if I wanted to go for coffee sometime. I told her that I would email her sometime (I never did). When she looks at me in class I look away. I understand that she must feel bad over that but she's twice my age!!!!


    Anyhow I'm confident in myself and I'm not afraid of being alone/indepent. I realize that I will eventually find the right girl. But I'd like to have practice before then lol. I think my method as a beginner is just trying to get numbers. Heck I have no clue really.

  3. Hello,


    I've come to these forums about advice over a girl that I gave a flower and a note to (but she ended up having a boyfriend).


    I got this crush on her sister, who is in the same class as her sister and I. About two weeks ago I started being really friendly to her and trying to help her out in any way. She caught on and last week during the class (tuesday and thursday mornings) she would give me glances and I would look back. She would either smile at me or look away and smile at herself. Well this week on Tuesday she glanced at me and I glanced back. She kept looking... I didn't know what to do and just got confused so I kept glancing back and forth between her and the board. (I have pretty much zero experience with girls even though I'm 19 and in college... I wasn't even allowed to talk to girls much in school... if you're interested just pm me or reply to this and I can explain if wanted). She seemed to get upset for some reason so she moved around in her seat, looked straight forward, and made some kind of grunting noise or something. She didn't look at me again for a good 15 minutes or so. I was dead tired so I fell asleep in class (students were doing presentations and these peeps were reading straight from the papers!). But I did catch some glances from her. Well yesterday morning just before class everyone was talking about things they were doing over the summer. This girl turned to another girl in the class and asked (out loud) her something like "so where is the hot guy from Delaware?" That really hurt me at the time. After class I walked her sister out and just talked to her about things over the summer (I'm taking summer classes so she was telling me what to take and w/ who). I asked her for her number and she gave it. Then the girl I like gave me hers. She told me to take the same summer class with her. By then I lost my crush for her (hopefully temporarily if she does like me) so I wasn't nervous and I talked casually. I have no idea what to make of it... everyone I talked to says something different... like she is just trying to get me 'riled up' or that she lost her interest in me. I have her cellphone number, but I know that hers isn't working now... she has to get it fixed. I know because I tried helping her with that. Thanks for any help!

  4. I'm kind of in a similar situation. I came to this forum for advice about what to do on a girl in one of my classes.


    This girl's sister also goes to that class. Both of them have a really good friend who walks with them out of class. Over time I've been able to know them a little better by walking them out of the class. The girl I originally liked (declined me since she said she had a bf but said she's love to hang out with me). Over this weekend they invited me to come to a Counting Crows concert because I had offered them some tickets. She took my number but forgot to call (we met and talked after the concert). Over this time I've begun to like her sister... and I think she likes me (body language... like glances in my direction, smiling). It's more detailed than this but I can tell more if wanted. I'm really confused about the situation... these two sisters live in my area. The sister I now like is also a pre med student at WVU... and she's cute very cute! Thanks for any insight!

  5. Thanks for the tips! She hasn't called today... I don't know why but I just feel like I've already been rejected (even though I haven't heard from her yet). My cousin told me that the PS line was a very bad move ("Your smile melts my hear!") and that it's probably going to be a rejection. I guess I'll just have to wait until Thursday and see how she acts around me. I think I'll probably just say something like: Sorry about that... I didn't know what I was thinking. If something like this feels so 'nerve-racking' I'm really not looking forward to the whole breakup mess. My problem seems so little compared to the other problems people need help with. I would try helping where I can but other than this I have little experience. My other option is worse... arranged marriage... although it would be an interesting discussion. If anyone would like me to explain the arranged marriage concept from my parents' culture I would be glad to.

  6. Hello,


    I started browsing this website and these forums a week ago. I'm 18 (I'll be 19 tomorrow 8) )... I've never had a girlfriend but I've had the chance to several times. This is because of my parents and their religion/culture (which I don't care about to be honest)... I wasn't allowed to date. So obviously I have no experience in the dating arena. Girls tell me that I'm cute so I'm not angry at myself about never having a date. Anyways I liked this girl in one of my classes at WVU. She has talked to me a few times and dropped hints to me that she may be interested, like great eye contact and saying bye to me in a sexy voice. I've been talking to my cousin and best friend about this girl, and he told me to tell her that I was attracted to her. All of a sudden I had this crazy idea to write a note, wrap it around a flower's stem, and put it into her hair just before class. At first he was laughing at me, but then he said if I pulled it off he would be my ***** for a year. Well this morning I did it... but not exactly as I planned. She was talking to her friend and her sister was sitting in the next seat. I was having second thoughts but I kept thinking these thoughts: "you have brass ones" and "never finding out is far worse than a rejection." I came up beside them and she said Hey how's it going? I placed the flower and note in front of her when I replied I'm alright what about you? I was nervous just then so I went a walked a few rows away and sat down. I was too embarrassed then to see her reaction, but I think she read the note. I heard her friend say something like so he gave you a flower.


    Here's what I wrote in the note,


    Hey (her name),


    I think you're an interesting person. I would really like to get together and do something with you sometime (Don Diebel's "Magic Line").


    I hope I'm not coming on too strong... I've never done this before.


    My cell is xxx-xxx-xxxx.


    - (My name)



    Your smile melts my heart!



    Although I feel embarrassed right now I'm glad I pulled it off. I really want to know how she will respond. All I can do is wait for her call, if she decides to make it. If she doesn't call by the next class I think I will go up to her and say that I feel like a dork and apologize for the drama. Depending on what she says next, I may tell her that I'd like to be friends. She is from my area and I think it would be great hanging out with her, even if it isn't as a girlfriend/boyfriend thing. I think I would feel bad if she started ignoring me.


    Apologies for the slightly garbled speech... I'm in a hurry to get some homework done before my next class. I'll post what happens.

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